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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass
The moon in Pisces reflects Satan's wish
For Olympus as Shaol against pits
Of Geihinom, draining Baal into dish
Of lava, burning legions, where Moloch sits.
Belial blames Chaos, while raping Baal
And Moloch, dwarfed by flames, screaming, no release
For wickedness, staring at endless hall,
Ever hoping rape can hurt enough to cease.
Lucifer through Beelzebub shines
Eternal in aberrations of maggot,
Sewn with Shaarimereth and Tzelmoth lines,
Sinking Geihinom to Titahiyon lit.
Ashteroth with Tzelmoth presides over stench
Of Abaddon's torturous poison fed,
As Asmodeus rules slain, fallen in trench,
To rot and gather flies as Beelzebub's dead.
Yachin flows into Boaz as spiral shell,
Forming vortex of matter over void
Of whirling motions into chaotic hell,
Entrapped as substance, damned, draining devoid.
In the end Chaos blades, Nahema's body,
Drain polluted blood into ruin, result
Of oppression's doom, cup of wrath, eddy,
With satiety's wealth, forever occult.
Links to My Posts
- The Deformed Tumult Of Pixies
- Caskets Full of Drugs
- Pretzels Sewn In Basket Cases
- Electroshock Therapy
- Seeking Hylas' Satisfaction
- Psychological Warfare
- It Stings the Body Electric
- Fleshly Chime Box
- Hole Of Satyriasis
- Under Thunderbolts of Zeus
- Absolute Rule of Leviathan
- Doppelganger Aggression
- The Nest Of Schizophrenia
- Belial Kept Universes Hidden
- Erebus Dens Deceive with Worming Holes
- Khepra Contains Light in Death
- Predatory Apoplexy
- Moloch's Meglomaniacal Truths
- Mania Pyro Truths
- Demonic Transmogrifications: An Epic Poem
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass
The moon in Aquarius reflects rape
Of Baal, under entrapment of harlot,
Forcing erections for infections agape,
As Chaos blades drain spirit as scarlet.
Usurped under predators, Baal journeys
To Shaarimereth, unbinding foe,
Lucifer, who rises by degrees,
Seeking to fullfill prophecy and grow.
Bursting forth, Lucifer releases
Satan from Inbubu, whose plans have succeeded,
Taking and regenerating pieces
Of his heart, for pomegranates over slaves led.
Baalberith, realizing his father's loss,
Comes to fullfill pact and free him from fetters,
But Satan wields girdle as necklace to toss
Him downward, choking under his betters.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass
The moon in Aquarius reflects rape
Of Baal, under entrapment of harlot,
Forcing erections for infections agape,
As Chaos blades drain spirit as scarlet.
Usurped under predators, Baal journeys
To Shaarimereth, unbinding foe,
Lucifer, who rises by degrees,
Seeking to fullfill prophecy and grow.
Bursting forth, Lucifer releases
Satan from Inbubu, whose plans have succeeded,
Taking and regenerating pieces
Of his heart, for pomegranates over slaves led.
Baalberith, realizing his father's loss,
Comes to fullfill pact and free him from fetters,
But Satan wields girdle as necklace to toss
Him downward, choking under his betters.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Capricorn reflects trickery
Of Satanael over Azrael led
By a spell, to be mesmerized with beauty
Of Nahema, so he seeks libido fed.
Engaging in sexual intercourse,
Azrael is drained and relinquishes post
To Nahema, stealing boat to sail course
Of Tzelmoth, leaving Geihinom's damnable coast.
With aid of Naaman, Satanael infects
Food of Baal with Ain Soph potion, ingested,
So he falls under spell, succumbing to hex
Of Nahema, forcing incest, while veiling dread.
By compression of her infested bite,
Baal's penis is trapped and drained of might,
As he becomes outcast from Olympus' height,
Obeying adversary's commands to lose fight.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Capricorn reflects trickery
Of Satanael over Azrael led
By a spell, to be mesmerized with beauty
Of Nahema, so he seeks libido fed.
Engaging in sexual intercourse,
Azrael is drained and relinquishes post
To Nahema, stealing boat to sail course
Of Tzelmoth, leaving Geihinom's damnable coast.
With aid of Naaman, Satanael infects
Food of Baal with Ain Soph potion, ingested,
So he falls under spell, succumbing to hex
Of Nahema, forcing incest, while veiling dread.
By compression of her infested bite,
Baal's penis is trapped and drained of might,
As he becomes outcast from Olympus' height,
Obeying adversary's commands to lose fight.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Sagittarius reflects spell
Of Satanael on Naburus, made
Excited, gyrating hips with hormones that swell,
Seeking outlet anywhere convenient laid.
With Naburus in heat, Nahema enters
His domain, presenting her infested den,
And Naburus jumps onto her hindquarters,
Raping her viciously, adding to the fen.
Enervated by Chaos blades, Naburus sinks
Into slumber, bleeding profusely from gashes,
As Nahema's canal, infested, drinks
The strength to compress and entrap penises.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Sagittarius reflects spell
Of Satanael on Naburus, made
Excited, gyrating hips with hormones that swell,
Seeking outlet anywhere convenient laid.
With Naburus in heat, Nahema enters
His domain, presenting her infested den,
And Naburus jumps onto her hindquarters,
Raping her viciously, adding to the fen.
Enervated by Chaos blades, Naburus sinks
Into slumber, bleeding profusely from gashes,
As Nahema's canal, infested, drinks
The strength to compress and entrap penises.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Scorpio reflects hatred
Of Azazel, made lame by Baal out of spite,
And seeking to aid Nahema, who is led
To his lair in quest to usurp Olympus' might.
As a boon for Nahema, Azazel gives
A metal rod formed from Chaos, increate,
And invoking Chaos, which forever lives,
She rapes herself with Chaos rod to satiate.
Within her vagina, Nahema grows
Chaos blades to enervate anyone,
Who engages in intercourse with her, so foes
Are sapped of their power, with their will undone.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Scorpio reflects hatred
Of Azazel, made lame by Baal out of spite,
And seeking to aid Nahema, who is led
To his lair in quest to usurp Olympus' might.
As a boon for Nahema, Azazel gives
A metal rod formed from Chaos, increate,
And invoking Chaos, which forever lives,
She rapes herself with Chaos rod to satiate.
Within her vagina, Nahema grows
Chaos blades to enervate anyone,
Who engages in intercourse with her, so foes
Are sapped of their power, with their will undone.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Libra reflects the escape
Of Nahema from Beelzebub's grasp,
Journeying to Tzelmoth to avenge rape,
By obtaining poisons, beyond venom of asp.
Before bathing in Tzelmoth's stinging rays,
Nahema swears oath to Belial, fallen,
To obtain vengeance for creation of days,
Under tyranny of Baal with caustic den.
Bathing in Tzelmoth, she is electrified
with force of Baal in her veins, overlooked,
And capable of accomplishing deicide,
Gaining attributes from impurities hooked.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Libra reflects the escape
Of Nahema from Beelzebub's grasp,
Journeying to Tzelmoth to avenge rape,
By obtaining poisons, beyond venom of asp.
Before bathing in Tzelmoth's stinging rays,
Nahema swears oath to Belial, fallen,
To obtain vengeance for creation of days,
Under tyranny of Baal with caustic den.
Bathing in Tzelmoth, she is electrified
with force of Baal in her veins, overlooked,
And capable of accomplishing deicide,
Gaining attributes from impurities hooked.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Virgo reflects lechery
Planned by Satanael, who gives a potion,
Containing Ain Soph, to Nahema for fee
Taken from Beelzebub beneath motion.
Nahema mixes the potion into meal
Of Beelzebub, who consumes it and becomes
Lackadaisical, fallen beneath the real,
Unable to compose himself, so he succumbs.
Over Beelzebub, Satanael evokes
Gamaliel, which encircle his vision,
And the foolish boor, desirous, invokes
Satyriasis with rape as his obsession.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Virgo reflects lechery
Planned by Satanael, who gives a potion,
Containing Ain Soph, to Nahema for fee
Taken from Beelzebub beneath motion.
Nahema mixes the potion into meal
Of Beelzebub, who consumes it and becomes
Lackadaisical, fallen beneath the real,
Unable to compose himself, so he succumbs.
Over Beelzebub, Satanael evokes
Gamaliel, which encircle his vision,
And the foolish boor, desirous, invokes
Satyriasis with rape as his obsession.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Leo reflects the desire
Of Gatam to seize Nahema, entrapped,
As he travels to Geihinom, crossing mire
And bypassing Naburus, held back and sapped.
Once inside Geihinom, Gatam is received
By Beelzebub as an invited guest
At a banquet, where he learns he was deceived,
Stuck in a chair, rooted to Abyss with no rest.
Hecate as Satanael befriends
Nahema and, with tendril, she enervates
Forces of Leviathan from Gatam in bends,
Raising a flood from Abyss out of gates.
The flood overruns much of Geihinom covered
As Beelzebub and Nahema flee
The palace, crumbling beneath Abyss, stirred,
And Beelzebub relocates, suffering fee.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Leo reflects the desire
Of Gatam to seize Nahema, entrapped,
As he travels to Geihinom, crossing mire
And bypassing Naburus, held back and sapped.
Once inside Geihinom, Gatam is received
By Beelzebub as an invited guest
At a banquet, where he learns he was deceived,
Stuck in a chair, rooted to Abyss with no rest.
Hecate as Satanael befriends
Nahema and, with tendril, she enervates
Forces of Leviathan from Gatam in bends,
Raising a flood from Abyss out of gates.
The flood overruns much of Geihinom covered
As Beelzebub and Nahema flee
The palace, crumbling beneath Abyss, stirred,
And Beelzebub relocates, suffering fee.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Cancer reflects mother's concern
For Nahema, abducted and enslaved,
By Beelzebub, who keeps her taciturn
In Geihinom, where he obtains what he craved.
Out of grief, Naaman searches the earth
Nine days and nine nights for Nahema lost,
Rendering the soil infertile and causing dearth
To populations, forced to pay a cost.
When Baal hears of Naaman's neglect
For her duties, he demands that she obey,
And she is starved and forced to genuflect,
Forgetting her daughter's plight, robbed of day.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Cancer reflects mother's concern
For Nahema, abducted and enslaved,
By Beelzebub, who keeps her taciturn
In Geihinom, where he obtains what he craved.
Out of grief, Naaman searches the earth
Nine days and nine nights for Nahema lost,
Rendering the soil infertile and causing dearth
To populations, forced to pay a cost.
When Baal hears of Naaman's neglect
For her duties, he demands that she obey,
And she is starved and forced to genuflect,
Forgetting her daughter's plight, robbed of day.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Gemini reflects fetus
Of mother, Lilith, into twins, divided,
Nemesis as Anamoloch, animus,
And Alastor as Philotanus, wed.
Anamoloch and Philotanus swear
Oaths to Lilith to always serve the cause
Of Belial, who seeks vengeance to tear
Down Moloch and Baal beneath new laws.
Finding Nahema among Geihinom, the twins
Convince her to consume pomegranate seeds
And, when Beelzebub learns of her sins,
He threatens her with never escaping his needs.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Gemini reflects fetus
Of mother, Lilith, into twins, divided,
Nemesis as Anamoloch, animus,
And Alastor as Philotanus, wed.
Anamoloch and Philotanus swear
Oaths to Lilith to always serve the cause
Of Belial, who seeks vengeance to tear
Down Moloch and Baal beneath new laws.
Finding Nahema among Geihinom, the twins
Convince her to consume pomegranate seeds
And, when Beelzebub learns of her sins,
He threatens her with never escaping his needs.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Taurus reflects decision
Of Baal, who grants Beelzebub's request,
To seize Nahema with brother's permission
And take her to Geihinom as consort in quest.
While Nahema is picking flowers, unaware,
Beelzebub rises from Geihinom, bent,
And snatches Nahema, silent despite scare,
In view of friends, who flee in fear of hell sent.
When Baphometh sees accomplished abduction,
He hunts down Nahema's friends, unafraid,
And rapes them with foul, clinging erection,
Turning them into Succorbenoth made.
Kasdeya complains to Baal, made angry,
Who hurls thunderbolts at Baphometh, terrified,
And offender ceases, while hiding from decree
of Baal, seeking torture for crucified.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Taurus reflects decision
Of Baal, who grants Beelzebub's request,
To seize Nahema with brother's permission
And take her to Geihinom as consort in quest.
While Nahema is picking flowers, unaware,
Beelzebub rises from Geihinom, bent,
And snatches Nahema, silent despite scare,
In view of friends, who flee in fear of hell sent.
When Baphometh sees accomplished abduction,
He hunts down Nahema's friends, unafraid,
And rapes them with foul, clinging erection,
Turning them into Succorbenoth made.
Kasdeya complains to Baal, made angry,
Who hurls thunderbolts at Baphometh, terrified,
And offender ceases, while hiding from decree
of Baal, seeking torture for crucified.
Demonic Transmogrifications 10:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Aries reflects joining
Of Baal and Demeter, maternal,
As Naaman, who conceives daughter, descending,
Persephone as Nahema, doomed to spiral.
With followers of Kasdeya as devotee,
Nahema wanders wilderness, vowing,
To preserve her sacred virginity
And always remain loyal to following.
From behind cover Baphometh espies
Kasdeya and her followers, comely,
To voyeur, who masturbates with view of prize
And fears wrath of Baal if he violates free.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
The moon in Aries reflects joining
Of Baal and Demeter, maternal,
As Naaman, who conceives daughter, descending,
Persephone as Nahema, doomed to spiral.
With followers of Kasdeya as devotee,
Nahema wanders wilderness, vowing,
To preserve her sacred virginity
And always remain loyal to following.
From behind cover Baphometh espies
Kasdeya and her followers, comely,
To voyeur, who masturbates with view of prize
And fears wrath of Baal if he violates free.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Pisces quickens construction
Of labyrinth by Magdiel, as dwelling place
Of Amaimon, wandering habitation
In search of victims, fallen to his chase.
Magdiel gives Isiamon information
About labyrinth to help Gatam survive
And, when Bulahoth hears of machination,
He has Magdiel and son taken alive.
After Magdiel and his son, Icarus
As Mivtzar, are trapped inside winding maze,
Magdiel builds wings of wax, which they truss
To their backs, ascending labyrinth in haze.
Mivtzar ascends the planet's atmosphere,
Losing sense of self to spiritual influx,
As the waxen wings melt and he falls to fear
Of capture and drowning tortures amid flux.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Pisces quickens construction
Of labyrinth by Magdiel, as dwelling place
Of Amaimon, wandering habitation
In search of victims, fallen to his chase.
Magdiel gives Isiamon information
About labyrinth to help Gatam survive
And, when Bulahoth hears of machination,
He has Magdiel and son taken alive.
After Magdiel and his son, Icarus
As Mivtzar, are trapped inside winding maze,
Magdiel builds wings of wax, which they truss
To their backs, ascending labyrinth in haze.
Mivtzar ascends the planet's atmosphere,
Losing sense of self to spiritual influx,
As the waxen wings melt and he falls to fear
Of capture and drowning tortures amid flux.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Aquarius quickens quest
Of Gatam, commanded by Yissachar to sail
To Maorah and pass the labyrinth's test,
In order to return home as victor or fail.
In Maorah, Gatam is given ball of thread
And sword by Isiamon, wanting to elope
With him to Dinhavah, to sleep in marriage bed
And requiring promise to fullfill her hope.
In the labyrinth, Gatam discovers and slays
Amaimon and he retraces his way,
Using thread to find the blessed light of days,
Spent sailing homeward to Dinhavah's bay.
When Gatam arrives at bay with black sails raised,
Yissachar has him arrested as traitor,
For surviving Amaimon's fury crazed
And he suffers wounds, stitched back together.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Aquarius quickens quest
Of Gatam, commanded by Yissachar to sail
To Maorah and pass the labyrinth's test,
In order to return home as victor or fail.
In Maorah, Gatam is given ball of thread
And sword by Isiamon, wanting to elope
With him to Dinhavah, to sleep in marriage bed
And requiring promise to fullfill her hope.
In the labyrinth, Gatam discovers and slays
Amaimon and he retraces his way,
Using thread to find the blessed light of days,
Spent sailing homeward to Dinhavah's bay.
When Gatam arrives at bay with black sails raised,
Yissachar has him arrested as traitor,
For surviving Amaimon's fury crazed
And he suffers wounds, stitched back together.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Capricorn quickens womb
Of Ariadne as Isiamon, seduced,
By Gatam after fleeing labyrinthine doom,
Stalked by Amaimon, fallen and reduced.
As Isiamon sleeps alone on shore,
Gatam abandons her, setting course for home
And, when she awakens as unclean whore,
She weeps, feeling lonely, forsaken to roam.
Passing by, Meklboc sees her, dishevelled,
And he befriends her with wine, making her drunk,
Leaving her to grotto, where many have travelled,
To engage in intercourse with canines sunk.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Capricorn quickens womb
Of Ariadne as Isiamon, seduced,
By Gatam after fleeing labyrinthine doom,
Stalked by Amaimon, fallen and reduced.
As Isiamon sleeps alone on shore,
Gatam abandons her, setting course for home
And, when she awakens as unclean whore,
She weeps, feeling lonely, forsaken to roam.
Passing by, Meklboc sees her, dishevelled,
And he befriends her with wine, making her drunk,
Leaving her to grotto, where many have travelled,
To engage in intercourse with canines sunk.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Sagittarius quickens search
Of Gatam, who journeys to distant isle
Of Titahiyon, avoiding capture on perch,
From which he swoops down, abducting victim with guile.
With Nashimiron captive, Gatam returns
To Dinhavah, whipping her into submission,
and other Nashimiron besiege in turns,
Until they are driven away from mission.
After Nashimiron behaves as a slave,
Gatam begets Naphtali on her womb,
Whom she abandons to fate under trave,
Escaping back to Titahiyon, seeking doom.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Sagittarius quickens search
Of Gatam, who journeys to distant isle
Of Titahiyon, avoiding capture on perch,
From which he swoops down, abducting victim with guile.
With Nashimiron captive, Gatam returns
To Dinhavah, whipping her into submission,
and other Nashimiron besiege in turns,
Until they are driven away from mission.
After Nashimiron behaves as a slave,
Gatam begets Naphtali on her womb,
Whom she abandons to fate under trave,
Escaping back to Titahiyon, seeking doom.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Scorpio quickens athlete,
Androgeos as Yuush, forced to fight
A bull with sword and blanket for defeat
Of protagonist, gored and stripped of might.
When Bulahoth hears about the death of his son,
He declares war on Yissachar's kingdom
And Yissachar offers tribute, hard won,
Of boys and girls to allay war overcome.
Each year, Yissachar sends fourteen children
To Maorah, where Bulahoth uses
Them to breed new slaves and then casts them to den
Of Amaimon, where they die from abuses.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Scorpio quickens athlete,
Androgeos as Yuush, forced to fight
A bull with sword and blanket for defeat
Of protagonist, gored and stripped of might.
When Bulahoth hears about the death of his son,
He declares war on Yissachar's kingdom
And Yissachar offers tribute, hard won,
Of boys and girls to allay war overcome.
Each year, Yissachar sends fourteen children
To Maorah, where Bulahoth uses
Them to breed new slaves and then casts them to den
Of Amaimon, where they die from abuses.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Libra quickens the flight
Of Daedalus as Magdiel, seeking
Refuge from Cocalus as Hadad with foresight
Enough to shelter him in palace, waiting.
When an emissary of Bulahoth arrives,
Looking for Magdiel, Hadad summons
Him to court, where he is secured in gyves
And taken to torture chamber under demons.
Needle and thread are sewn through Magdiel's skin,
Across his body in patterns, before handing
Him over to emissary to punish sin,
With scalding hot baths, producing screaming.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Libra quickens the flight
Of Daedalus as Magdiel, seeking
Refuge from Cocalus as Hadad with foresight
Enough to shelter him in palace, waiting.
When an emissary of Bulahoth arrives,
Looking for Magdiel, Hadad summons
Him to court, where he is secured in gyves
And taken to torture chamber under demons.
Needle and thread are sewn through Magdiel's skin,
Across his body in patterns, before handing
Him over to emissary to punish sin,
With scalding hot baths, producing screaming.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Virgo quickens mourning
Of Antigone as Sermeot for deaths
Of Cain and Abel, as traitors under sting
Of torturers, who drained life from their breaths.
When Sermeot demands a funeral,
Melech Teiman refuses, preferring
Their corpses be left for carrion as feral
Traitors, unworthy of burial offering.
Teiman condemns Sermeot for mourning
Her brothers and he commands she show her love,
During sexual intercourse, contracting
Necrosis from their corpses, her body above.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Virgo quickens mourning
Of Antigone as Sermeot for deaths
Of Cain and Abel, as traitors under sting
Of torturers, who drained life from their breaths.
When Sermeot demands a funeral,
Melech Teiman refuses, preferring
Their corpses be left for carrion as feral
Traitors, unworthy of burial offering.
Teiman condemns Sermeot for mourning
Her brothers and he commands she show her love,
During sexual intercourse, contracting
Necrosis from their corpses, her body above.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Leo quickens brothers clad
As two soldiers of Teimavai near the end
Of service, growing old with new blood to add,
Polynices, Eteocles, in bend.
When Polynices as Cain is told
Of Eteocles as Abel turning traitor,
He accepts orders to kill brother bold,
Disowning him as family lost to cur.
After Cain hears of Abel's bloody needs,
He accepts orders to commit fratricide
And both brothers are placed in cells for deeds,
They accepted as traitors and drained of pride.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Leo quickens brothers clad
As two soldiers of Teimavai near the end
Of service, growing old with new blood to add,
Polynices, Eteocles, in bend.
When Polynices as Cain is told
Of Eteocles as Abel turning traitor,
He accepts orders to kill brother bold,
Disowning him as family lost to cur.
After Cain hears of Abel's bloody needs,
He accepts orders to commit fratricide
And both brothers are placed in cells for deeds,
They accepted as traitors and drained of pride.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Cancer quickens Theban kings
In Teimavai, forcing pregnant slave to eat
Meat, mixed with lion and eagle for rings
From sex in astral, breeding Sphinx to greet.
Laius as Melech Zuvulon and his wife,
Jocasta as Melamud adopt the boy,
Oedipus as Pikan, who consumes food for strife,
Mixed with their feces and sperm of monstrous toy.
At night, asleep, Pikan is automated
In a dream and forced to rape his step mother
As tumors drain semen, ejaculated,
Forcing him beneath Sphinx as Oriens horror.
Victim of spasms, Pikan is arrested
And placed in dungeon to suffer torture
Of rape, after his eyes are forever blinded,
Hearing of plot to kill father and rape mother.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Cancer quickens Theban kings
In Teimavai, forcing pregnant slave to eat
Meat, mixed with lion and eagle for rings
From sex in astral, breeding Sphinx to greet.
Laius as Melech Zuvulon and his wife,
Jocasta as Melamud adopt the boy,
Oedipus as Pikan, who consumes food for strife,
Mixed with their feces and sperm of monstrous toy.
At night, asleep, Pikan is automated
In a dream and forced to rape his step mother
As tumors drain semen, ejaculated,
Forcing him beneath Sphinx as Oriens horror.
Victim of spasms, Pikan is arrested
And placed in dungeon to suffer torture
Of rape, after his eyes are forever blinded,
Hearing of plot to kill father and rape mother.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Gemini quickens four winds,
Which Balan breathes, generating brothers,
Menolik and Licanen, and Balan rescinds
His control over them, as they become helpers.
Menolik and Licanen bring wind to sails
Of Ra on their journey for Eigel Maseichah
And, when Baalberith, looking for Nachath, fails
To rejoin party, the brothers fill sails for Ra.
When the brothers return to island, winnnowing,
Baalberith captures them in a net
And buries them underground, erecting
Pillars Yachin and Boaz as opposites set.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Gemini quickens four winds,
Which Balan breathes, generating brothers,
Menolik and Licanen, and Balan rescinds
His control over them, as they become helpers.
Menolik and Licanen bring wind to sails
Of Ra on their journey for Eigel Maseichah
And, when Baalberith, looking for Nachath, fails
To rejoin party, the brothers fill sails for Ra.
When the brothers return to island, winnnowing,
Baalberith captures them in a net
And buries them underground, erecting
Pillars Yachin and Boaz as opposites set.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Taurus quickens household
Of Enoch, during exciting visit,
By Baalberith, leaving lion skin for bold
Gatam to attack as other children flee it.
Reaching adolescence, Gatam journeys
To temple of Kobal as worshipper,
Who burns the forepart of his head, paying fees
With his hairs, given to Kobal's coffer.
When Gatam reaches adulthood, he is told
By Darascon about the items concealed
Beneath the boulder and, seeking to uphold
The pact, he retrieves them for destiny sealed.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Taurus quickens household
Of Enoch, during exciting visit,
By Baalberith, leaving lion skin for bold
Gatam to attack as other children flee it.
Reaching adolescence, Gatam journeys
To temple of Kobal as worshipper,
Who burns the forepart of his head, paying fees
With his hairs, given to Kobal's coffer.
When Gatam reaches adulthood, he is told
By Darascon about the items concealed
Beneath the boulder and, seeking to uphold
The pact, he retrieves them for destiny sealed.
Demonic Transmogrifications 9:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Aries quickens disappointment
Of Aegeus as Yissachar, childless,
Who seeks an oracle, which predicts son sent
After he accomplishes ascent in excess.
While in a temple, praying, Aethra bowed
As Darascon by Leviathan is raped
And impregnated with son, which shaker loud
Commands she claim to be by mortal seed shaped.
Seeking advice of Pittheus, sagacious,
As Enoch, Yissachar gets drunk on wine
And Darascon lures him to tryst, salacious,
Soon claiming he fathered her son in twine.
Feeling obligated, Yissachar leaves behind
Sandals and a sword beneath a boulder,
Telling Darascon that when boy is in mind
To retrieve them, she should tell him of father.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mercury in Aries quickens disappointment
Of Aegeus as Yissachar, childless,
Who seeks an oracle, which predicts son sent
After he accomplishes ascent in excess.
While in a temple, praying, Aethra bowed
As Darascon by Leviathan is raped
And impregnated with son, which shaker loud
Commands she claim to be by mortal seed shaped.
Seeking advice of Pittheus, sagacious,
As Enoch, Yissachar gets drunk on wine
And Darascon lures him to tryst, salacious,
Soon claiming he fathered her son in twine.
Feeling obligated, Yissachar leaves behind
Sandals and a sword beneath a boulder,
Telling Darascon that when boy is in mind
To retrieve them, she should tell him of father.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Pisces wraps paternal demand
Of Gatam around Hippolytus, his son,
As Naphtali, a bastard, born from band
Of Nashimiron, bereft of compassion.
Raised by servants of Gatam, Naphtali worships
Kasdeya, while maintaining his virginity,
Hunting wild animals, until Phaedra's lips
As Malutens seek to seduce him out to sea.
Naphtali spurns Malutens, who despises
Her stepson and tells Gatam of attempted rape,
Causing father to condemn son to houses
Of pain, being skinned alive, his flesh agape.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Pisces wraps paternal demand
Of Gatam around Hippolytus, his son,
As Naphtali, a bastard, born from band
Of Nashimiron, bereft of compassion.
Raised by servants of Gatam, Naphtali worships
Kasdeya, while maintaining his virginity,
Hunting wild animals, until Phaedra's lips
As Malutens seek to seduce him out to sea.
Naphtali spurns Malutens, who despises
Her stepson and tells Gatam of attempted rape,
Causing father to condemn son to houses
Of pain, being skinned alive, his flesh agape.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Aquarius wraps relief
Of Barakel around Meklboc, in madness,
And as initiate of her cult in grief,
He plants vineyards, sharing wine to infect abscess.
Establishing tendrils into drinkers
Of wine, Meklboc causes victims to lose
Consciousness of self, forcing them to be lovers
Of dogs, awakening forgetful in daze from booze.
Seeking to end his grief, Meklboc enters
Geihinom, hoping to release his mother,
And, giving wine to Baalzebub, he proffers
Rax with freedom above convincing her.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Aquarius wraps relief
Of Barakel around Meklboc, in madness,
And as initiate of her cult in grief,
He plants vineyards, sharing wine to infect abscess.
Establishing tendrils into drinkers
Of wine, Meklboc causes victims to lose
Consciousness of self, forcing them to be lovers
Of dogs, awakening forgetful in daze from booze.
Seeking to end his grief, Meklboc enters
Geihinom, hoping to release his mother,
And, giving wine to Baalzebub, he proffers
Rax with freedom above convincing her.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Capricorn wraps possession
By Shabriri around Meklboc, enslaved,
And forced to have intercourse with dog, undone,
To suffer genital warts, alone and depraved.
Cutting the warts from his genitals with knife,
Meklboc plants the dead outgrowth in the ground
And from the soil verdant grape vines spring to life,
Spurring Meklboc toward new vineyards to found.
With grapes, Meklboc manufactures wine to drink
And from it he becomes intoxicated,
Until Shabriri takes ability to think,
With Pytho, forcing insanity to wed.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Capricorn wraps possession
By Shabriri around Meklboc, enslaved,
And forced to have intercourse with dog, undone,
To suffer genital warts, alone and depraved.
Cutting the warts from his genitals with knife,
Meklboc plants the dead outgrowth in the ground
And from the soil verdant grape vines spring to life,
Spurring Meklboc toward new vineyards to found.
With grapes, Meklboc manufactures wine to drink
And from it he becomes intoxicated,
Until Shabriri takes ability to think,
With Pytho, forcing insanity to wed.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Sagittarius wraps will
Of Baal around lone Semele, entrapped,
As Rax under his whim, seeking to instill
His orders, forcing her into drainage sapped.
Under control of Baal, Rax requests
To see him in all his splendor, shining,
And Baal kills her with lightning for failing tests,
Knitting fetus from her womb into thigh of king.
From thigh of Baal, Dionysus is born
As Meklboc and given to mortal parents, kind,
To raise, but Shabriri has their sanity shorn
By Pytho, driving them insane in mental bind.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Sagittarius wraps will
Of Baal around lone Semele, entrapped,
As Rax under his whim, seeking to instill
His orders, forcing her into drainage sapped.
Under control of Baal, Rax requests
To see him in all his splendor, shining,
And Baal kills her with lightning for failing tests,
Knitting fetus from her womb into thigh of king.
From thigh of Baal, Dionysus is born
As Meklboc and given to mortal parents, kind,
To raise, but Shabriri has their sanity shorn
By Pytho, driving them insane in mental bind.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Scorpio wraps earthly spirit
Of Thomiel around semen of Baal
And Thomiel gives birth to both genders, knit
Into Agdistis as Megalak to fall.
Shabriri sends servants forth to castrate
Megalak, burying the severed penis
And from the blood grows pomegranate tree as gate,
Bringing forth new life raised out of abyss.
Nana as Alan eats pomegranate seeds
And gives birth to Attis as Hipolos, low,
Beneath Cybele as Barakel, who feeds
On his soul, turned inward to vortex tow.
As a priest of Barakel, Hipolos suffers
Castration and his testicles are severed
To form a cavity, used for tortures
With penises and rods, inserting pain blurred.
At the end of his service, Hipolos is thrown
To a goat that rapes him, causing disease,
Which fosters baleful malnutrition sewn
With dehydration, disintegrating levies.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Scorpio wraps earthly spirit
Of Thomiel around semen of Baal
And Thomiel gives birth to both genders, knit
Into Agdistis as Megalak to fall.
Shabriri sends servants forth to castrate
Megalak, burying the severed penis
And from the blood grows pomegranate tree as gate,
Bringing forth new life raised out of abyss.
Nana as Alan eats pomegranate seeds
And gives birth to Attis as Hipolos, low,
Beneath Cybele as Barakel, who feeds
On his soul, turned inward to vortex tow.
As a priest of Barakel, Hipolos suffers
Castration and his testicles are severed
To form a cavity, used for tortures
With penises and rods, inserting pain blurred.
At the end of his service, Hipolos is thrown
To a goat that rapes him, causing disease,
Which fosters baleful malnutrition sewn
With dehydration, disintegrating levies.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:7
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by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Libra wraps arms of Ashteroth
Around Asmodeus in carnal embrace,
Loving his touch enough to forsake her oath
To Azazel, who is ignorant of their base.
While travelling overhead Saraph sees
Asmodeus and Ashteroth together
And he tells Azazel, hurt, who decrees
That for this transgression they shall suffer.
Azazel sets a trap for the adulterers,
Who meet and spring a net, which entangles
Their bodies trapped, awaiting dread orders
Of Baal, who has them flogged to deter cycles.
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Libra wraps arms of Ashteroth
Around Asmodeus in carnal embrace,
Loving his touch enough to forsake her oath
To Azazel, who is ignorant of their base.
While travelling overhead Saraph sees
Asmodeus and Ashteroth together
And he tells Azazel, hurt, who decrees
That for this transgression they shall suffer.
Azazel sets a trap for the adulterers,
Who meet and spring a net, which entangles
Their bodies trapped, awaiting dread orders
Of Baal, who has them flogged to deter cycles.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Virgo wraps ring of matrimony
Around finger of Europa, entrapped,
Under control of Asterius, free,
As Pharoh, who drains her will power, sapped.
After Pharoah has finished with his wife
As Rachiar, he puts her in a cage,
Under a bull, which rapes her, draining life
To writhe with palsy, sinking near final stage.
As Rachiar's mouth foams and her body contorts,
She is thrown into sea to drown as waste,
While Pharoh obtains new wives from cohorts,
To use for breeding, until he tires of their taste.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Virgo wraps ring of matrimony
Around finger of Europa, entrapped,
Under control of Asterius, free,
As Pharoh, who drains her will power, sapped.
After Pharoah has finished with his wife
As Rachiar, he puts her in a cage,
Under a bull, which rapes her, draining life
To writhe with palsy, sinking near final stage.
As Rachiar's mouth foams and her body contorts,
She is thrown into sea to drown as waste,
While Pharoh obtains new wives from cohorts,
To use for breeding, until he tires of their taste.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Leo wraps contending heads
Of Thomiel, around quaking energy
Of Leviathan under waves, who sheds
Orion as Verin destined to suffer fee.
Under commands of Leviathan, his lord,
Verin manhandles Side as Nilima,
Forcing her under mind control in ward,
To rape her without resistance in maw.
Oenopion as Kabada offers
Wine to Verin to get him drunk and Verin rapes
A woman, then falls to violence under orders,
Blinded and poisoned with venom in wound that gapes.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Leo wraps contending heads
Of Thomiel, around quaking energy
Of Leviathan under waves, who sheds
Orion as Verin destined to suffer fee.
Under commands of Leviathan, his lord,
Verin manhandles Side as Nilima,
Forcing her under mind control in ward,
To rape her without resistance in maw.
Oenopion as Kabada offers
Wine to Verin to get him drunk and Verin rapes
A woman, then falls to violence under orders,
Blinded and poisoned with venom in wound that gapes.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Cancer wraps the love of Echo
As Sheid, around the vision of youthful
Narcissus as Verdelet, left to know
The encircling of hellish visions, frightful.
Sheid enters head of Verdelet as he sleeps
And covers outer perception, with black shroud
To block the ability of movement, which keeps
Verdelet laying still and perceiving cloud.
Laying supine as helpless catatonic,
Verdelet suffers nerve pain and pressure
From Arab Tzerek, which make him feel sick,
Displaying grotesque imagery to sufferer.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Cancer wraps the love of Echo
As Sheid, around the vision of youthful
Narcissus as Verdelet, left to know
The encircling of hellish visions, frightful.
Sheid enters head of Verdelet as he sleeps
And covers outer perception, with black shroud
To block the ability of movement, which keeps
Verdelet laying still and perceiving cloud.
Laying supine as helpless catatonic,
Verdelet suffers nerve pain and pressure
From Arab Tzerek, which make him feel sick,
Displaying grotesque imagery to sufferer.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Gemini wraps decision
Of Pandion as Gad around his daughters,
Philomela and Procne awaiting one
To take both, after surviving slaughters.
Tereus as Mimosa finishes service
To legions and Gad rewards him with wife,
Procne as Miliom, but orders from abyss
Force Mimosa to cause her sister strife.
Obeying telepathy, Mimosa rapes
Philomela as Penemue, cutting out
Her tongue from bloody mouth that silently gapes,
Attempting to speak to Miliom of bout.
Penemue writes down the rapist's name
And Gad, hearing of her revelation,
Orders Miliom to amputate the shame
Of her clitoris, demanding confession.
Penemue is forced to have intercourse
With a swallow for defamation, written,
And Procne is forced to have intercourse
With a nightingale for actions, forbidden.
After he has outlived his use to king,
Mimosa is deemed a sex offender
And commanded to rape a hoopoe with sting
To his penis, rendering himself outlander.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Gemini wraps decision
Of Pandion as Gad around his daughters,
Philomela and Procne awaiting one
To take both, after surviving slaughters.
Tereus as Mimosa finishes service
To legions and Gad rewards him with wife,
Procne as Miliom, but orders from abyss
Force Mimosa to cause her sister strife.
Obeying telepathy, Mimosa rapes
Philomela as Penemue, cutting out
Her tongue from bloody mouth that silently gapes,
Attempting to speak to Miliom of bout.
Penemue writes down the rapist's name
And Gad, hearing of her revelation,
Orders Miliom to amputate the shame
Of her clitoris, demanding confession.
Penemue is forced to have intercourse
With a swallow for defamation, written,
And Procne is forced to have intercourse
With a nightingale for actions, forbidden.
After he has outlived his use to king,
Mimosa is deemed a sex offender
And commanded to rape a hoopoe with sting
To his penis, rendering himself outlander.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Taurus wraps shell of Baal
Around head of Io as Behemoth, reduced
Beneath mind control of cruel father's call,
Exploiting her for his carnal needs unloosed.
After he finishes with her body,
She is forced to engage in intercourse
with a bull, sending her spinal eddy,
Contorting her body and draining source.
Behemoth is put under watch of Argos
As Sapason to disintegrate in cell,
While Shabriri sends flies to infest her loss
And they beget maggots, enforcing hell.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Taurus wraps shell of Baal
Around head of Io as Behemoth, reduced
Beneath mind control of cruel father's call,
Exploiting her for his carnal needs unloosed.
After he finishes with her body,
She is forced to engage in intercourse
with a bull, sending her spinal eddy,
Contorting her body and draining source.
Behemoth is put under watch of Argos
As Sapason to disintegrate in cell,
While Shabriri sends flies to infest her loss
And they beget maggots, enforcing hell.
Demonic Transmogrifications 8:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Aries wraps legs of Smyrna
As Alan around her father in carnal
Embrace, begetting Adonis, in awe,
As Raderaf, given to fate brutal.
After birth of Raderaf, his mother,
Alan is raped by myrtle wood and left
To suffer vaginal burning as fodder,
Leaving her son with Ashteroth bereft.
While wandering wilderness, lost and alone,
Raderaf is seized by servants of his father,
Declaring him an abomination, thrown
Into a cage with a boar that rapes him as cur.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Venus in Aries wraps legs of Smyrna
As Alan around her father in carnal
Embrace, begetting Adonis, in awe,
As Raderaf, given to fate brutal.
After birth of Raderaf, his mother,
Alan is raped by myrtle wood and left
To suffer vaginal burning as fodder,
Leaving her son with Ashteroth bereft.
While wandering wilderness, lost and alone,
Raderaf is seized by servants of his father,
Declaring him an abomination, thrown
Into a cage with a boar that rapes him as cur.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Pisces destroys the sovereignty
Of Batzrah, after Bela and his legions leave
Behind dried meat, as they set sails and flee
To nearby coastline, waiting to deceive.
The famished population recover meat
And distribute it among Batzrah to ward
Off starvation, ignorant and effete,
Under fleshly straw, grown between ears for cord.
During sleep the ghost of Muhiruth rides
Upward from their heels to their lips, forcing
The pact of Alah, opening their mouths from sides,
Weighed down under tumors, their will divorcing.
Bela and his army return victorious,
Entering Batzrah and enslaving people,
Including royal family under truss
Of Dinhavah, invading their castle.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Pisces destroys the sovereignty
Of Batzrah, after Bela and his legions leave
Behind dried meat, as they set sails and flee
To nearby coastline, waiting to deceive.
The famished population recover meat
And distribute it among Batzrah to ward
Off starvation, ignorant and effete,
Under fleshly straw, grown between ears for cord.
During sleep the ghost of Muhiruth rides
Upward from their heels to their lips, forcing
The pact of Alah, opening their mouths from sides,
Weighed down under tumors, their will divorcing.
Bela and his army return victorious,
Entering Batzrah and enslaving people,
Including royal family under truss
Of Dinhavah, invading their castle.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Aquarius destroys the household
Of Amaleik, blown off course after conquest
Of Batzrah, suspecting himself a cuckold,
Anchoring at alien shores to rest.
Beside spring of Lethe as Ain, lotus fruit
grows as Ain Soph whorls, which the people eat,
Draining their minds into oblivion's root,
Until Amaleik enslaves them under seat.
When Amaleik returns home to his wife,
Penelope as Supipas, he accuses
Her of adultery and casts her to strife
Of intercourse with a pig and diseases.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Aquarius destroys the household
Of Amaleik, blown off course after conquest
Of Batzrah, suspecting himself a cuckold,
Anchoring at alien shores to rest.
Beside spring of Lethe as Ain, lotus fruit
grows as Ain Soph whorls, which the people eat,
Draining their minds into oblivion's root,
Until Amaleik enslaves them under seat.
When Amaleik returns home to his wife,
Penelope as Supipas, he accuses
Her of adultery and casts her to strife
Of intercourse with a pig and diseases.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Capricorn destroys the body
Of Plegit, which Philoctetes as Abram burns
On pyre and Baalberith gives booty
Of poisoned vial and arrows, when he returns.
When Bela commands Abram to assist
In the invasion of Baztrah, he refuses,
Preferring to settle wilderness and resist
The call to arms forsaking what he chooses.
Instead Abram is taken to an island,
Where he is raped and left to starve to death,
While Bela uses the vial to land
Poison in water supply, stifling breath.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Capricorn destroys the body
Of Plegit, which Philoctetes as Abram burns
On pyre and Baalberith gives booty
Of poisoned vial and arrows, when he returns.
When Bela commands Abram to assist
In the invasion of Baztrah, he refuses,
Preferring to settle wilderness and resist
The call to arms forsaking what he chooses.
Instead Abram is taken to an island,
Where he is raped and left to starve to death,
While Bela uses the vial to land
Poison in water supply, stifling breath.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Sagittarius destroys innocents,
Used by Bela for astral cross over,
To outrace other competing continents
And establish creations with which to conquer.
After Flaxon becomes barren, she is cast
Into bestiality, to be harvested
For a venereal disease amassed,
With shells used in aphrodisiacs wasted.
When Bela returns home to Dinhavah,
He appoints his son Orestes as Pinon,
To be his vassal over conquered Batzrah,
While he is splintered from colony to atone.
With his daughter Electra as Darokin,
Bela has sexual intercourse for fun,
Until he tires of her and deems her unclean,
Giving her to sodomites, who reign aversion.
Darokin is sodomized with a ball
In her mouth, washing her spirit beneath
Arab Tzerek, controlling her mouth to call
From a hole, where she sleeps with aching sheath.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Sagittarius destroys innocents,
Used by Bela for astral cross over,
To outrace other competing continents
And establish creations with which to conquer.
After Flaxon becomes barren, she is cast
Into bestiality, to be harvested
For a venereal disease amassed,
With shells used in aphrodisiacs wasted.
When Bela returns home to Dinhavah,
He appoints his son Orestes as Pinon,
To be his vassal over conquered Batzrah,
While he is splintered from colony to atone.
With his daughter Electra as Darokin,
Bela has sexual intercourse for fun,
Until he tires of her and deems her unclean,
Giving her to sodomites, who reign aversion.
Darokin is sodomized with a ball
In her mouth, washing her spirit beneath
Arab Tzerek, controlling her mouth to call
From a hole, where she sleeps with aching sheath.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Scorpio destroys the body
Of Muhiruth, fullfilling prophecy,
For his death in Bershacheth at gory
Battlefield, where soldiers are stripped of glory.
Filling Derech with poisonous blood to swelling,
Muhiruth causes its banks to overflow
And Batzrah, besieged by contingent's ring,
Suffers famine, maintaining walls against foe.
At gates of Batzrah, Muhiruth confronts
Hector as Alooph Timna, striking him down,
And tying him to chariot for stunts
Upon his body, dragged to enhance renown.
As Muhiruth drags Timna around wall
Of Batzrah, an arrow pierces his heel,
Sending him to oblivion, awaiting call
Of Dinhavah, to sail with lightning's keel.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Scorpio destroys the body
Of Muhiruth, fullfilling prophecy,
For his death in Bershacheth at gory
Battlefield, where soldiers are stripped of glory.
Filling Derech with poisonous blood to swelling,
Muhiruth causes its banks to overflow
And Batzrah, besieged by contingent's ring,
Suffers famine, maintaining walls against foe.
At gates of Batzrah, Muhiruth confronts
Hector as Alooph Timna, striking him down,
And tying him to chariot for stunts
Upon his body, dragged to enhance renown.
As Muhiruth drags Timna around wall
Of Batzrah, an arrow pierces his heel,
Sending him to oblivion, awaiting call
Of Dinhavah, to sail with lightning's keel.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Libra destroys kinship felt between
Brothers Atreus as Jacob, above,
And Thyestes as Esau, who are mean
To half brother, rescued and denied love.
Looking down on victim of kidnapping,
They kill their half brother and are banished
By their father to wander outland, seeking
Court of Kunaz, who accepts them as they wished.
When elder, Jacob, inherits the throne,
He invites Esau to a banquet hosted
On his behalf, where heads of three victims are shown,
After Esau has their flesh ingested.
Deemed ungrateful by his host, Esau is thrown
Into a dungeon, to be tortured underground,
For the remainder of his life, which is sewn
With accusation of wanting Jacob's mound.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Libra destroys kinship felt between
Brothers Atreus as Jacob, above,
And Thyestes as Esau, who are mean
To half brother, rescued and denied love.
Looking down on victim of kidnapping,
They kill their half brother and are banished
By their father to wander outland, seeking
Court of Kunaz, who accepts them as they wished.
When elder, Jacob, inherits the throne,
He invites Esau to a banquet hosted
On his behalf, where heads of three victims are shown,
After Esau has their flesh ingested.
Deemed ungrateful by his host, Esau is thrown
Into a dungeon, to be tortured underground,
For the remainder of his life, which is sewn
With accusation of wanting Jacob's mound.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Virgo destroys the bitter hopes
Of Mantiens, foreseeing the danger,
of taking dried meat left behind for ropes,
To drag the people of Batzrah down under.
After they retrieve the meat, Mantiens hides
In temple of Allotu, hoping for safety,
But Allotu forsakes her, as Muhiruth rides
Through heads of enslaved, taken under levy.
Mantiens is given to Bela as his slave
And taken back to Dinhavah to serve,
Where she conceives children, held under trave,
No longer allowed to prophesy with verve.
When Mantiens becomes barren, she is stowed
In a box with grubs inside her body,
That grow into bugs, crawling through her flesh, towed
Down with Arab Tzerek, speaking of prophets' fee.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Virgo destroys the bitter hopes
Of Mantiens, foreseeing the danger,
of taking dried meat left behind for ropes,
To drag the people of Batzrah down under.
After they retrieve the meat, Mantiens hides
In temple of Allotu, hoping for safety,
But Allotu forsakes her, as Muhiruth rides
Through heads of enslaved, taken under levy.
Mantiens is given to Bela as his slave
And taken back to Dinhavah to serve,
Where she conceives children, held under trave,
No longer allowed to prophesy with verve.
When Mantiens becomes barren, she is stowed
In a box with grubs inside her body,
That grow into bugs, crawling through her flesh, towed
Down with Arab Tzerek, speaking of prophets' fee.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Leo destroys established peace
Of Troas as Bershacheth, where armies
Of Bela land and gather force to piece
Together invasion, seeking Batzrah to seize.
From surrounding countryside, Bela seizes
Chryseis as Arolen to exploit as his slave,
But a plague besets his army with disease,
So he tortures her to death, hoping to save.
After Bela takes another foreigner,
Briseis as Aherom, from his underling,
Muhiruth refuses to fight because of her
And he is raped in a cell for refusing.
When men of Batzrah launch a surprise attack,
Decimating front line, Bela demands
Muhiruth lead a party forth to back
The legions' front, exposed, to clear reprimands.
While Bela enjoys Aherom at the fort,
Muhiruth clears his name with a counterattack,
Filling Scamander as Derech, to support
Poisonous blood, overflowing to build stack.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Leo destroys established peace
Of Troas as Bershacheth, where armies
Of Bela land and gather force to piece
Together invasion, seeking Batzrah to seize.
From surrounding countryside, Bela seizes
Chryseis as Arolen to exploit as his slave,
But a plague besets his army with disease,
So he tortures her to death, hoping to save.
After Bela takes another foreigner,
Briseis as Aherom, from his underling,
Muhiruth refuses to fight because of her
And he is raped in a cell for refusing.
When men of Batzrah launch a surprise attack,
Decimating front line, Bela demands
Muhiruth lead a party forth to back
The legions' front, exposed, to clear reprimands.
While Bela enjoys Aherom at the fort,
Muhiruth clears his name with a counterattack,
Filling Scamander as Derech, to support
Poisonous blood, overflowing to build stack.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Cancer destroys the innocence
Of Remoron, deemed the reason for delay
Of fleet, unable to deliver the dense
Formations, due to lack of wind, so they stay.
Bela explains Kasdeya is displeased
With Remoron, as illegitimate whore,
and he deviriginizes her, until pleased,
Then gives her to the mob, who make her sore.
After Remoron has been sodomized,
She is placed on altar, where Bela peels
Off her skin, leaving her body traumatized,
To die of shock and pain, as legions set their keels.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Cancer destroys the innocence
Of Remoron, deemed the reason for delay
Of fleet, unable to deliver the dense
Formations, due to lack of wind, so they stay.
Bela explains Kasdeya is displeased
With Remoron, as illegitimate whore,
and he deviriginizes her, until pleased,
Then gives her to the mob, who make her sore.
After Remoron has been sodomized,
She is placed on altar, where Bela peels
Off her skin, leaving her body traumatized,
To die of shock and pain, as legions set their keels.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Gemini destroys matrimony
Of Flaxon, when Agamemnon as Bela
Kills her husband and takes her under levy,
As consort to breed sons for his monstrous maw.
From a temple of Kasdeya, Gatam abducts
Helen as Agibol to keep as his slave
And, in confinement, she is raped and eructs
Iphigenia as Remoron, for the grave.
Ganglion learns location of Agibol,
While Gatam is away in Geihinom, lost,
And they rescue her from imprisonment in hole
For Yutheith, who barters for a consort as cost.
Menelaus as Baalchanan accepts
The offer of Yutheith and takes Agibol
As his consort, demanding she obey precepts
To remain indoors, under her master's knoll.
When Paris as Aholivamah is captured,
He is interrogated by torturers,
Who extract information, which is conferred
To Bela for invasion of Batzrah's borders.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Gemini destroys matrimony
Of Flaxon, when Agamemnon as Bela
Kills her husband and takes her under levy,
As consort to breed sons for his monstrous maw.
From a temple of Kasdeya, Gatam abducts
Helen as Agibol to keep as his slave
And, in confinement, she is raped and eructs
Iphigenia as Remoron, for the grave.
Ganglion learns location of Agibol,
While Gatam is away in Geihinom, lost,
And they rescue her from imprisonment in hole
For Yutheith, who barters for a consort as cost.
Menelaus as Baalchanan accepts
The offer of Yutheith and takes Agibol
As his consort, demanding she obey precepts
To remain indoors, under her master's knoll.
When Paris as Aholivamah is captured,
He is interrogated by torturers,
Who extract information, which is conferred
To Bela for invasion of Batzrah's borders.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Taurus destroys hopes of eldest
Gog Shekeloh, seeking death for her son,
Brought to Mahazael, exhuming dead to wrest
Marrow from Golochab, to heal the burned one.
Fed with meat, containing minute amounts
Of dung and larvae, Muhiruth grows, restrained
from freedom of thought, under mentor, who counts
His mistakes and tortures him, so he's better trained.
After an oracle predicts the need
Of Muhiruth as ghost, to conquer city
Of Batzrah, Eliphaz puts his son decreed
To be a girl in a harem, wanting him free.
Odysseus as Alooph Amaleik hears
The oracle about conquering Batzrah
And finds Muhiruth in harem, who fears
Discovery, hiding among girls from the law.
When Amaleik discovers him, he blows
A trumpet, signalling the find to the system,
And Muhiruth is tortured with pincers and knows
The fistula, as his captors exploit harem.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Taurus destroys hopes of eldest
Gog Shekeloh, seeking death for her son,
Brought to Mahazael, exhuming dead to wrest
Marrow from Golochab, to heal the burned one.
Fed with meat, containing minute amounts
Of dung and larvae, Muhiruth grows, restrained
from freedom of thought, under mentor, who counts
His mistakes and tortures him, so he's better trained.
After an oracle predicts the need
Of Muhiruth as ghost, to conquer city
Of Batzrah, Eliphaz puts his son decreed
To be a girl in a harem, wanting him free.
Odysseus as Alooph Amaleik hears
The oracle about conquering Batzrah
And finds Muhiruth in harem, who fears
Discovery, hiding among girls from the law.
When Amaleik discovers him, he blows
A trumpet, signalling the find to the system,
And Muhiruth is tortured with pincers and knows
The fistula, as his captors exploit harem.
Demonic Transmogrifications 7:1
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by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Aries destroys aspirations
Of Baal and Leviathan for tryst,
With eldest of Gog Shekeloh, as predictions
Of Lucifer cover desire with mist.
Destined to be more powerful than his father,
Her son must be begotten from a mortal man,
So Mahazael tells Peleus of matter
As Alooph Eliphaz, who seeks to breed a clan.
Attempting to escape, the eldest changes
Her form, but Eliphaz maintains his hold,
Until she is rendered humanoid and raises
Her hands in submission to her master, bold.
Each time Eliphaz begets a child with her,
She casts the new born into flames to die,
But Eliphaz rescues Achilles from torture,
As Muhiruth, with burned heel and lips that cry.
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Mars in Aries destroys aspirations
Of Baal and Leviathan for tryst,
With eldest of Gog Shekeloh, as predictions
Of Lucifer cover desire with mist.
Destined to be more powerful than his father,
Her son must be begotten from a mortal man,
So Mahazael tells Peleus of matter
As Alooph Eliphaz, who seeks to breed a clan.
Attempting to escape, the eldest changes
Her form, but Eliphaz maintains his hold,
Until she is rendered humanoid and raises
Her hands in submission to her master, bold.
Each time Eliphaz begets a child with her,
She casts the new born into flames to die,
But Eliphaz rescues Achilles from torture,
As Muhiruth, with burned heel and lips that cry.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Pisces casts resentful
Command of Kunaz for Baalberith to clean
The stables of Augias, which are always full
Of dung from horses, perpetually unclean.
Baalberith asks permission of Augias
As Melech Korach, who welcomes the aid
In exchange for an estate, expecting loss
Of Baalberith to endless task, overweighed.
Breaking down a portion of the enclosing walls,
Baalberith makes an opening in stable
And he diverts a river, so that water falls,
Pushing out the dung away from people.
After the task is finished, Korach refuses
To reward Baalberith, declaring
The stables to be ruined, so he chooses
To extract his fee from Korach's suffering.
The river is closed off and the opening
Is sealed, allowing horses to return,
As Baalberith uses water, cleansing
Anus of Korach, fearful and taciturn.
After the canal is cleansed as the stables were,
Baalberith sodomizes Korach, enslaved,
And forces him to eat dung from stables as cur
In Abaddon, where he suffers fate of depraved.
While Korach suffers in Abaddon, trapped,
Baalberith proclaims Phyleus to be king,
As Melech Alvah, presiding over sapped
And barren slave, he cleanses for sodomizing.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Pisces casts resentful
Command of Kunaz for Baalberith to clean
The stables of Augias, which are always full
Of dung from horses, perpetually unclean.
Baalberith asks permission of Augias
As Melech Korach, who welcomes the aid
In exchange for an estate, expecting loss
Of Baalberith to endless task, overweighed.
Breaking down a portion of the enclosing walls,
Baalberith makes an opening in stable
And he diverts a river, so that water falls,
Pushing out the dung away from people.
After the task is finished, Korach refuses
To reward Baalberith, declaring
The stables to be ruined, so he chooses
To extract his fee from Korach's suffering.
The river is closed off and the opening
Is sealed, allowing horses to return,
As Baalberith uses water, cleansing
Anus of Korach, fearful and taciturn.
After the canal is cleansed as the stables were,
Baalberith sodomizes Korach, enslaved,
And forces him to eat dung from stables as cur
In Abaddon, where he suffers fate of depraved.
While Korach suffers in Abaddon, trapped,
Baalberith proclaims Phyleus to be king,
As Melech Alvah, presiding over sapped
And barren slave, he cleanses for sodomizing.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Aquarius casts arrow
Into Achelous as Semlin, while swimming
A river and he drowns, reappearing to show
Himself as phantasm, with his form changing.
While Deianeira as Plegit draws water,
Semlin is mesmerized by her beauty
And he appears as a comely young male to her,
Luring her to return, hoping to see.
Also attracted to Plegit, the hero,
Baalberith explains the nature of Semlin
And Plegit spurns Semlin, who sinks to low
Feelings of hatred, seeking vengeance unclean.
Semlin befriends Bahimiron, seeking
To defile the beauty of Plegit, still proud,
And, while drawing water, beast rapes her, feeling sting
Of a poisoned arrow, drawing him under shroud.
As he dies, Bahimiron tells Plegit
To take blood from his wound as a philter,
For love of Baalberith, held with beat
Of his heart, seeking her arms for shelter.
As Plegit develops leprosy, she yearns
For the affections of Baalberith, in love
With a virgin, and she seeks her philter and earns
His hatred, now considering himself above.
Baalberith commands Plegit to smear
The philter on her own skin and she obeys,
Suffering burns in agony and fear,
As she disintegrates, groaning in daze.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Aquarius casts arrow
Into Achelous as Semlin, while swimming
A river and he drowns, reappearing to show
Himself as phantasm, with his form changing.
While Deianeira as Plegit draws water,
Semlin is mesmerized by her beauty
And he appears as a comely young male to her,
Luring her to return, hoping to see.
Also attracted to Plegit, the hero,
Baalberith explains the nature of Semlin
And Plegit spurns Semlin, who sinks to low
Feelings of hatred, seeking vengeance unclean.
Semlin befriends Bahimiron, seeking
To defile the beauty of Plegit, still proud,
And, while drawing water, beast rapes her, feeling sting
Of a poisoned arrow, drawing him under shroud.
As he dies, Bahimiron tells Plegit
To take blood from his wound as a philter,
For love of Baalberith, held with beat
Of his heart, seeking her arms for shelter.
As Plegit develops leprosy, she yearns
For the affections of Baalberith, in love
With a virgin, and she seeks her philter and earns
His hatred, now considering himself above.
Baalberith commands Plegit to smear
The philter on her own skin and she obeys,
Suffering burns in agony and fear,
As she disintegrates, groaning in daze.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Capricorn casts disgust
Of Admetus as Alooph Eilah, forced
To lay with beasts and satisfy his lust,
For Alcestis as Geloma, divorced.
Led to Geihinom by Nergal and Allotu,
Eilah has intercourse with a lion and boar,
To drain his enjoyment and harvest new
Shells for Melech Shamah to strengthen his core.
On their wedding night, after consummation,
Eilah is again led to Geihinom,
Where Geloma lays in coffin dead from poison,
And he has intercourse to return home.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Capricorn casts disgust
Of Admetus as Alooph Eilah, forced
To lay with beasts and satisfy his lust,
For Alcestis as Geloma, divorced.
Led to Geihinom by Nergal and Allotu,
Eilah has intercourse with a lion and boar,
To drain his enjoyment and harvest new
Shells for Melech Shamah to strengthen his core.
On their wedding night, after consummation,
Eilah is again led to Geihinom,
Where Geloma lays in coffin dead from poison,
And he has intercourse to return home.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Sagittarius casts seed
Of Baal, transformed into a horse, raping
Philyra as Lagasuf, cast out and decreed
to be a leper, disintegrating.
Alone in exile, Lagasuf conceives
Charon as Mahazael, to beget
A race of Centaurs as Bahimiron, which leaves
Violated women with leprosy in net.
An innocent human couple are engaged
In a wedding ceremony with family,
When Bahimiron surprise victims, enraged,
And they kill males and rape females in infamy.
In response humans declare war to atone
And Baalberith slaughters beasts with arrows,
So Bahimiron flee to sanctuary known
As Edom, to ward off genocide under foes.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Sagittarius casts seed
Of Baal, transformed into a horse, raping
Philyra as Lagasuf, cast out and decreed
to be a leper, disintegrating.
Alone in exile, Lagasuf conceives
Charon as Mahazael, to beget
A race of Centaurs as Bahimiron, which leaves
Violated women with leprosy in net.
An innocent human couple are engaged
In a wedding ceremony with family,
When Bahimiron surprise victims, enraged,
And they kill males and rape females in infamy.
In response humans declare war to atone
And Baalberith slaughters beasts with arrows,
So Bahimiron flee to sanctuary known
As Edom, to ward off genocide under foes.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Scorpio casts the hateful gaze
Of Shabriri onto Baalberith, finished
With his labors for Kunaz, going home in haze,
Under her influence, wanting him banished.
Shabriri sends Mania as Pytho
Into mind of Baalberith and, convinced
That Kunaz is really a dangerous foe,
He seeks revenge for treachery evinced.
When he sees Megara as Loriol
And his family he mistakes them for enemies,
Kunaz and his retinue, and, falling in hole,
He shoots and kills them to extract fees.
After Allotu cures him of delusion,
Baalberith seeks suicide as his gate,
But Theseus as Gatam sees his seclusion
And recommends serving Kunaz again for fate.
With necromantic arts of servant Uphir,
Shabriri has Loriol resurrected,
To breed a new family and suffer fear
Of Baalberith under Pytho wed.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Scorpio casts the hateful gaze
Of Shabriri onto Baalberith, finished
With his labors for Kunaz, going home in haze,
Under her influence, wanting him banished.
Shabriri sends Mania as Pytho
Into mind of Baalberith and, convinced
That Kunaz is really a dangerous foe,
He seeks revenge for treachery evinced.
When he sees Megara as Loriol
And his family he mistakes them for enemies,
Kunaz and his retinue, and, falling in hole,
He shoots and kills them to extract fees.
After Allotu cures him of delusion,
Baalberith seeks suicide as his gate,
But Theseus as Gatam sees his seclusion
And recommends serving Kunaz again for fate.
With necromantic arts of servant Uphir,
Shabriri has Loriol resurrected,
To breed a new family and suffer fear
Of Baalberith under Pytho wed.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Libra casts aspiration
Of Kunaz for Abaddon's Golden Apples
As Bureishith Zahav, seeking acquisition,
By Baalberith, raiding pinnacles.
Finding Gog Shekeloh, he requests location
Of Bureishith Zahav and they suggest he ask
Nereus as Azael, so he raids station
Of Azael and demands knowledge for his task.
After his arrival, Baalberith is blocked
By Arakiel, holding vault of heaven
And Baalberith seeks hindrance unlocked,
To take Bureishith Zahav from Abaddon's den.
In exchange for passage, Arakiel demands
He be relieved of supporting vault
And Baalberith brings a slave with strong hands,
Whose back breaks under weight, crushing his fault.
Baalberith returns to Kunaz with boon
Of Bureishith Zahav and Kunaz requires
His elderly slaves eat it, invoking rune
Of Abaddon over autonomic pyres.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Libra casts aspiration
Of Kunaz for Abaddon's Golden Apples
As Bureishith Zahav, seeking acquisition,
By Baalberith, raiding pinnacles.
Finding Gog Shekeloh, he requests location
Of Bureishith Zahav and they suggest he ask
Nereus as Azael, so he raids station
Of Azael and demands knowledge for his task.
After his arrival, Baalberith is blocked
By Arakiel, holding vault of heaven
And Baalberith seeks hindrance unlocked,
To take Bureishith Zahav from Abaddon's den.
In exchange for passage, Arakiel demands
He be relieved of supporting vault
And Baalberith brings a slave with strong hands,
Whose back breaks under weight, crushing his fault.
Baalberith returns to Kunaz with boon
Of Bureishith Zahav and Kunaz requires
His elderly slaves eat it, invoking rune
Of Abaddon over autonomic pyres.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Virgo casts chastely vows
Of Callisto as Tarados to remain
A virgin, for Kasdeya to receive her bows
And join the hunt for wild beasts, by arrows slain.
Desiring Tarados, Baal changes shape,
Disguising himself as Kasdeya to trick
Tarados, led astray to suffer rape
And pregnancy, with emotions made caustic.
Feigning virginity Tarados rejoins
Kasdeya hoping to remain a devotee,
But, refusing to bathe and show her loins,
Kasdeya demands she pay a bestial fee.
Commanded to submit to intercourse
With a bear, Tarados dissolves to spastic
Seizures, as palsy seizes her body's course
Into disintegration of autonomic.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Virgo casts chastely vows
Of Callisto as Tarados to remain
A virgin, for Kasdeya to receive her bows
And join the hunt for wild beasts, by arrows slain.
Desiring Tarados, Baal changes shape,
Disguising himself as Kasdeya to trick
Tarados, led astray to suffer rape
And pregnancy, with emotions made caustic.
Feigning virginity Tarados rejoins
Kasdeya hoping to remain a devotee,
But, refusing to bathe and show her loins,
Kasdeya demands she pay a bestial fee.
Commanded to submit to intercourse
With a bear, Tarados dissolves to spastic
Seizures, as palsy seizes her body's course
Into disintegration of autonomic.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Leo casts ambitious claim
Of sons of Pterelaus as Melech Achbor,
To throne of Electryon with baneful name
Of Melech Chusham, who defies losing more.
Outraged with refusal to abdicate,
Achbor commands his troops to confiscate
The flocks of Chusham, ruining people's fate
And provoking war with the weakened state.
Vowing vengeance, Chusham leads his army,
Entrusting his kingdom to Iram, his vassal,
And Iram marries Ukobach, taking fee
Of kingdom usurped, while Chusham commands battle.
After Chusham's forces are routed, he returns
And Iram has him arrested as a traitor,
Who is confined to a cage, where he burns
With rape from Chosen, sparking levin whirler.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Leo casts ambitious claim
Of sons of Pterelaus as Melech Achbor,
To throne of Electryon with baneful name
Of Melech Chusham, who defies losing more.
Outraged with refusal to abdicate,
Achbor commands his troops to confiscate
The flocks of Chusham, ruining people's fate
And provoking war with the weakened state.
Vowing vengeance, Chusham leads his army,
Entrusting his kingdom to Iram, his vassal,
And Iram marries Ukobach, taking fee
Of kingdom usurped, while Chusham commands battle.
After Chusham's forces are routed, he returns
And Iram has him arrested as a traitor,
Who is confined to a cage, where he burns
With rape from Chosen, sparking levin whirler.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Cancer casts base desire
Of Kunaz to obtain Naburus on leash,
As his own guardian, and, from elder's spire,
He commands Baalberith his strength to unleash.
Baalberith seeks guidance of Nergal
And Allotu, in entering Geihinom,
And they lead him along the secret mall,
Of Taenarum as Boaz, to phantasmal home.
Finding Naburus, Baalberith wrestles
The beast and is stung several times by tail,
Poisoning blood of warrior with muscles
That spasm and weaken and force him to fail.
In fear of Naburus, Baalberith flees,
Returning to Kunaz, who castigates
him and, weakened by poisonous disease,
Baalberith tells Kunaz to dare the gates.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Cancer casts base desire
Of Kunaz to obtain Naburus on leash,
As his own guardian, and, from elder's spire,
He commands Baalberith his strength to unleash.
Baalberith seeks guidance of Nergal
And Allotu, in entering Geihinom,
And they lead him along the secret mall,
Of Taenarum as Boaz, to phantasmal home.
Finding Naburus, Baalberith wrestles
The beast and is stung several times by tail,
Poisoning blood of warrior with muscles
That spasm and weaken and force him to fail.
In fear of Naburus, Baalberith flees,
Returning to Kunaz, who castigates
him and, weakened by poisonous disease,
Baalberith tells Kunaz to dare the gates.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Gemini casts transformation
Of Baal into a lark, raping wife
Of Tyndarues as Alooph Yutheith, to shun
Leda as Corodon, pregnant with strife.
On mountain, Corodon lays in fever
And conceives twins, clinging Gagalos, armed,
And Helen as Agibol to sever
The souls of Troy as Batzrah, split and harmed.
Next, Corodon in fever conceives twins,
Abyssal drain, Gagalin, doomed as lesser,
And Clytemnestra as Flaxon, suffering sins
Of her cruel husband, exploiting her.
Gagalos and Gagalin as Ganglion
Desire cousins and try to abduct them
On their wedding day, but grooms kill lesser one
And Gagalos kills grooms, taking their brides as stem.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Gemini casts transformation
Of Baal into a lark, raping wife
Of Tyndarues as Alooph Yutheith, to shun
Leda as Corodon, pregnant with strife.
On mountain, Corodon lays in fever
And conceives twins, clinging Gagalos, armed,
And Helen as Agibol to sever
The souls of Troy as Batzrah, split and harmed.
Next, Corodon in fever conceives twins,
Abyssal drain, Gagalin, doomed as lesser,
And Clytemnestra as Flaxon, suffering sins
Of her cruel husband, exploiting her.
Gagalos and Gagalin as Ganglion
Desire cousins and try to abduct them
On their wedding day, but grooms kill lesser one
And Gagalos kills grooms, taking their brides as stem.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Taurus casts accusations
Of brothers against the rulership of tyrant,
Minos as Melech Bulahoth, who petitions
Leviathan to have a sacred bull sent.
The sacred bull as Chosen appears off coast
Of Crete as Maorah and Bulahoth takes
Chosen into cage, forcing brothers of host
To accept rape, leaving them broken by shakes.
Bulahoth commands his wife to submit
In Geihinom to intercourse with Chosen
And eat roasted beef, with taurine semen knit,
To form mutations of fetus in den.
The fetus is born the abomination,
Minotaur as Amaimon, with freakish head
of bull, and servants of Bulahoth station
Him in maze, to hunt victims kept in dread.
Hearing of Chosen, Kunaz demands he be brought
By Baalberith for ritual sacrifice
And with adamantine shackles he is caught,
But Allotu refuses and Kunaz sets a price.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Taurus casts accusations
Of brothers against the rulership of tyrant,
Minos as Melech Bulahoth, who petitions
Leviathan to have a sacred bull sent.
The sacred bull as Chosen appears off coast
Of Crete as Maorah and Bulahoth takes
Chosen into cage, forcing brothers of host
To accept rape, leaving them broken by shakes.
Bulahoth commands his wife to submit
In Geihinom to intercourse with Chosen
And eat roasted beef, with taurine semen knit,
To form mutations of fetus in den.
The fetus is born the abomination,
Minotaur as Amaimon, with freakish head
of bull, and servants of Bulahoth station
Him in maze, to hunt victims kept in dread.
Hearing of Chosen, Kunaz demands he be brought
By Baalberith for ritual sacrifice
And with adamantine shackles he is caught,
But Allotu refuses and Kunaz sets a price.
Demonic Transmogrifications 6:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Aries casts lofty feet
Of Ate as Balban onto head of Baal,
Who foolishly pledges to give the treat
Of eminence to first born of Alah for call.
While Amphityon as Alooph Iram is gone
Away at war, Baal assumes his form
And tricks Alcmene as Ukobach, for dawn
Of son in her womb, conjuring forth storm.
In fear of prophecy, Shabriri convinces
Elithyia as Obedama to delay
The birth of Baalberith with glimpses,
To ensure Eurystheus is first to see day.
As second born Baalberith is subject
To Eurystheus as Alooph Kunaz, heeding
His commands and Baal, enraged, throws reject,
Balban, to Shaarimereth ever twisting.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Jupiter in Aries casts lofty feet
Of Ate as Balban onto head of Baal,
Who foolishly pledges to give the treat
Of eminence to first born of Alah for call.
While Amphityon as Alooph Iram is gone
Away at war, Baal assumes his form
And tricks Alcmene as Ukobach, for dawn
Of son in her womb, conjuring forth storm.
In fear of prophecy, Shabriri convinces
Elithyia as Obedama to delay
The birth of Baalberith with glimpses,
To ensure Eurystheus is first to see day.
As second born Baalberith is subject
To Eurystheus as Alooph Kunaz, heeding
His commands and Baal, enraged, throws reject,
Balban, to Shaarimereth ever twisting.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Pisces darkens mysteries
Of Murmur, initiating new men
Into use of limbo in Geihinom, to please
Their sexual appetite, exploiting women.
Into home of Murmur, the men gather,
And with help of his music they bypass
Naburus, asleep, as the gates they enter
Accept their souls, ignorant of occult mass.
Trapped within the helmet of their master,
Beelzebub, they fall to mind control,
And limbo sinks to hellish disaster,
Leaving their bodies automated as toll.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Pisces darkens mysteries
Of Murmur, initiating new men
Into use of limbo in Geihinom, to please
Their sexual appetite, exploiting women.
Into home of Murmur, the men gather,
And with help of his music they bypass
Naburus, asleep, as the gates they enter
Accept their souls, ignorant of occult mass.
Trapped within the helmet of their master,
Beelzebub, they fall to mind control,
And limbo sinks to hellish disaster,
Leaving their bodies automated as toll.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Aquarius darkens journey
Of Yovav, leaving Babel to conquer
Ruchovoth and Masreikah, taking fee
Of his birthright, to rule by draining thunder.
Seeking to strengthen his forces, he entreats
The aid of brothers, Castor as Gagalin
And Pollux as Gagalos, and he meets
His invasion force, ready to usurp the scene.
When the army of Yovav invades Ruchovoth,
The defenders surrender and join ranks
To conquer Masreikah, where troops swear oath,
To serve under Yovav and guard his flanks.
Samlah is enslaved and locked beneath pall,
As Yovav demands obedience Shamah sought,
With Eigel Maseichah, enclosing wall
Around citizens, whose minds with drainage are caught.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Aquarius darkens journey
Of Yovav, leaving Babel to conquer
Ruchovoth and Masreikah, taking fee
Of his birthright, to rule by draining thunder.
Seeking to strengthen his forces, he entreats
The aid of brothers, Castor as Gagalin
And Pollux as Gagalos, and he meets
His invasion force, ready to usurp the scene.
When the army of Yovav invades Ruchovoth,
The defenders surrender and join ranks
To conquer Masreikah, where troops swear oath,
To serve under Yovav and guard his flanks.
Samlah is enslaved and locked beneath pall,
As Yovav demands obedience Shamah sought,
With Eigel Maseichah, enclosing wall
Around citizens, whose minds with drainage are caught.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Capricorn darkens desire
Of Aristaeus as Glesi, seeking
Eurydice as Apelki, who flees and wakens pyre
Of bees that swarm and kill her with stinging.
In horror Murmur discovers her body
And seeks to liberate her from Geihinom,
Travelling to shores of Tzelmoth with fee
For Charon as Azrael to carry home.
Azrael ferries Murmur across to gate
Where Cerberus as Naburus awakens
And Murmur charms guardian, cheating fate
With music soothing beast, falling back to dens.
When Murmur finds Apelki, she follows
Him with hope of returning to surface life,
But as she passes beyond, she joins hollows
Of phantasms, fluttering with illusion rife.
Dissapointed, Murmur returns to visit
Apelki and other denizens in limbo,
To exploit them as sexual toys, knit
From shells of physical sensations' show.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Capricorn darkens desire
Of Aristaeus as Glesi, seeking
Eurydice as Apelki, who flees and wakens pyre
Of bees that swarm and kill her with stinging.
In horror Murmur discovers her body
And seeks to liberate her from Geihinom,
Travelling to shores of Tzelmoth with fee
For Charon as Azrael to carry home.
Azrael ferries Murmur across to gate
Where Cerberus as Naburus awakens
And Murmur charms guardian, cheating fate
With music soothing beast, falling back to dens.
When Murmur finds Apelki, she follows
Him with hope of returning to surface life,
But as she passes beyond, she joins hollows
Of phantasms, fluttering with illusion rife.
Dissapointed, Murmur returns to visit
Apelki and other denizens in limbo,
To exploit them as sexual toys, knit
From shells of physical sensations' show.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Sagittarius darkens realm
Of Creon as Melech Teiman, arranging
Marriage for his daughter and Yovav with helm,
Held in place by spinal column descending.
Disowned by Yovav, Jezebeth is passed
Around by men of Babel as a whore,
Until she loses value to new girls amassed
And is ordered to enter mortuary door.
Commanded to engage in intercourse
With fresh male corpses, she contracts necrosis
Of skin and becomes a decrepit source
Of disease to slaves, reduced with meiosis.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Sagittarius darkens realm
Of Creon as Melech Teiman, arranging
Marriage for his daughter and Yovav with helm,
Held in place by spinal column descending.
Disowned by Yovav, Jezebeth is passed
Around by men of Babel as a whore,
Until she loses value to new girls amassed
And is ordered to enter mortuary door.
Commanded to engage in intercourse
With fresh male corpses, she contracts necrosis
Of skin and becomes a decrepit source
Of disease to slaves, reduced with meiosis.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Scorpio darkens return
Of Yovav to Masreikah, seeking throne,
But Shamah refuses to reward his sojourn
And seeks to seize Eigel Maseichah as his own.
Jezebeth poisons wine of Shamah, weakened,
And amputates his limbs with twine of wire,
Placing him with his limbs in cauldron for bend
On his mind, screaming with water heated by fire.
From Ruchovoth, army of Samlah invade
Masreikah, driving out Yovav in flight
To Corinth as Babel and palisade
Is raised around Masreikah, defending might.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Scorpio darkens return
Of Yovav to Masreikah, seeking throne,
But Shamah refuses to reward his sojourn
And seeks to seize Eigel Maseichah as his own.
Jezebeth poisons wine of Shamah, weakened,
And amputates his limbs with twine of wire,
Placing him with his limbs in cauldron for bend
On his mind, screaming with water heated by fire.
From Ruchovoth, army of Samlah invade
Masreikah, driving out Yovav in flight
To Corinth as Babel and palisade
Is raised around Masreikah, defending might.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Libra darkens fratricide
Of Jezebeth, commanded to amputate
Limbs of Aspyrtus as Alooph Yalam, decried
As useless alive and better used as bait.
Angry with sacrilege, Leviathan raises
A storm, blowing ship of Ra off course, battered,
And Barakel issues warnings and says
Ra must appease Leviathan or be shattered.
At isle of Aeaea as Pau Ra meet
Circe as Armaros, who purifies
Their quest and trains Jezebeth to defeat
Others with poisonous arts and clever lies.
As Ra travel through territory of Sirens
As Succorbenoth, Murmur sings with voice,
So beauteous Ra resist deadly dens
Of Succorbenoth, playing music to drain choice.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Libra darkens fratricide
Of Jezebeth, commanded to amputate
Limbs of Aspyrtus as Alooph Yalam, decried
As useless alive and better used as bait.
Angry with sacrilege, Leviathan raises
A storm, blowing ship of Ra off course, battered,
And Barakel issues warnings and says
Ra must appease Leviathan or be shattered.
At isle of Aeaea as Pau Ra meet
Circe as Armaros, who purifies
Their quest and trains Jezebeth to defeat
Others with poisonous arts and clever lies.
As Ra travel through territory of Sirens
As Succorbenoth, Murmur sings with voice,
So beauteous Ra resist deadly dens
Of Succorbenoth, playing music to drain choice.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Virgo darkens The Black Sea
As Daath, where Ra arrive and lay anchor,
For Yovav to meet Aeetes, with decree,
As Melech Shaul, demanding valor.
Ra surprise Shaul and his retinue,
Enslaving them and smearing their bodies,
With poisonous ointment, burning skin askew,
With boils as fallen succumb to disease.
Yovav takes Eigel Maseichah as property,
Along with Medea, daughter of Shaul,
As Jezebeth, sailing from Daath free,
To pilfer more victims, fallen as fool.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Virgo darkens The Black Sea
As Daath, where Ra arrive and lay anchor,
For Yovav to meet Aeetes, with decree,
As Melech Shaul, demanding valor.
Ra surprise Shaul and his retinue,
Enslaving them and smearing their bodies,
With poisonous ointment, burning skin askew,
With boils as fallen succumb to disease.
Yovav takes Eigel Maseichah as property,
Along with Medea, daughter of Shaul,
As Jezebeth, sailing from Daath free,
To pilfer more victims, fallen as fool.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Leo darkens vision lost
For Phineus as Melech Zerach, who suffers
Blindness and tormenting visions as cost
Of divination, granting wisdom, which he confers.
In retribution for advising men,
Baal sends Harpies as Tzaphiriron,
To plague Zerach and his minions from den,
Causing their skin to blemish and itch under throne.
When Yovav seeks advice for his journey,
Zerach demands freedom from disease
And Yovav, fearing Baal, forces levy
Of Boreades, compounding pain with decrees.
Boreades as Menolik and Licanen
Force scratches from Tzaphiriron into anus
Of Zerach and his minions, growing fen
Into intestines, eroding his means to fuss.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Leo darkens vision lost
For Phineus as Melech Zerach, who suffers
Blindness and tormenting visions as cost
Of divination, granting wisdom, which he confers.
In retribution for advising men,
Baal sends Harpies as Tzaphiriron,
To plague Zerach and his minions from den,
Causing their skin to blemish and itch under throne.
When Yovav seeks advice for his journey,
Zerach demands freedom from disease
And Yovav, fearing Baal, forces levy
Of Boreades, compounding pain with decrees.
Boreades as Menolik and Licanen
Force scratches from Tzaphiriron into anus
Of Zerach and his minions, growing fen
Into intestines, eroding his means to fuss.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Cancer darkens peaceful island
Of Cyzicus as Sodom, where population
Is enslaved by Ra, sodomizing band
And claiming self defense as their reason.
Baalberith, as member of Ra, commands
Hylas as Alooph Nachath to draw water
From spring in forest and Gamaliels' hands
Beckon him to drown, satisfied as fodder.
While Baalberith is busy searching
For Nachath, Ra set sail, abandoning him
And Baalberith reigns Sodom as king,
Forcing his minions to submit to his whim.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Cancer darkens peaceful island
Of Cyzicus as Sodom, where population
Is enslaved by Ra, sodomizing band
And claiming self defense as their reason.
Baalberith, as member of Ra, commands
Hylas as Alooph Nachath to draw water
From spring in forest and Gamaliels' hands
Beckon him to drown, satisfied as fodder.
While Baalberith is busy searching
For Nachath, Ra set sail, abandoning him
And Baalberith reigns Sodom as king,
Forcing his minions to submit to his whim.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Gemini darkens Tyro
As Enaia who loves staring into Abyss,
Until one day Leviathan renders low
Her mind, under rape, leaving her amiss.
Enaia abandons her twins as babies,
Shamah and Neleus as Samlah, on side
Of road, where equestrian passing by sees
The pair and shelters them, with mother denied.
Reaching adulthood, the twins find their mother
And realize their nephew Yovav is too young
To rule Masreikah, so the twins confer
With each other and duel for upper rung.
Shamah defeats Samlah and gains supremacy
Over Masreikah, banishing his brother,
Who founds city of Pylos, with decree,
As Ruchovoth with hopes to seize the other.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Gemini darkens Tyro
As Enaia who loves staring into Abyss,
Until one day Leviathan renders low
Her mind, under rape, leaving her amiss.
Enaia abandons her twins as babies,
Shamah and Neleus as Samlah, on side
Of road, where equestrian passing by sees
The pair and shelters them, with mother denied.
Reaching adulthood, the twins find their mother
And realize their nephew Yovav is too young
To rule Masreikah, so the twins confer
With each other and duel for upper rung.
Shamah defeats Samlah and gains supremacy
Over Masreikah, banishing his brother,
Who founds city of Pylos, with decree,
As Ruchovoth with hopes to seize the other.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Taurus darkens Yovav's request
For advice, from Nergal and Allotu,
And Yovav obtains deific Nimrod in quest,
With Argonauts as Ra, serving as crew.
Orpheus as Murmur joins Ra on journey,
Setting rythm for oarsmen by strumming lyre,
And Yovav performs sacrifices to see
Whether he will satisfy his great desire.
Ra first sail to peaceful island paradise
Of Lemnos as Gomorrah, where females
Live in harmony, without harm from vice,
And enslave them, obtaining oral sex as males.
Grateful to Ra for membership in band,
Murmur initiates Ra into use
Of astral, where they take women by hand
As replicas, rendering vaginas loose.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Taurus darkens Yovav's request
For advice, from Nergal and Allotu,
And Yovav obtains deific Nimrod in quest,
With Argonauts as Ra, serving as crew.
Orpheus as Murmur joins Ra on journey,
Setting rythm for oarsmen by strumming lyre,
And Yovav performs sacrifices to see
Whether he will satisfy his great desire.
Ra first sail to peaceful island paradise
Of Lemnos as Gomorrah, where females
Live in harmony, without harm from vice,
And enslave them, obtaining oral sex as males.
Grateful to Ra for membership in band,
Murmur initiates Ra into use
Of astral, where they take women by hand
As replicas, rendering vaginas loose.
Demonic Transmogrifications 5:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Aries darkens usurped throne
Of Iolcos as Masreikah, taken by thief,
Pelias as Melech Shamah, for his own
At expense of prince, rescued to suffer grief.
The prince, Jason as Alooph Yovav, is raised
By Chiron as Mahazael and taught
Medicine of centaurs, tormenting the dazed
Victims of leprosy, whose bodies rot.
Full grown Yovav leaves his mentor and journeys
TO court of Shamah, proclaiming his right
TO rule Masreikah, and is issued decrees,
TO obtain Golden Fleece as Eigel Maseichah's light.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Saturn in Aries darkens usurped throne
Of Iolcos as Masreikah, taken by thief,
Pelias as Melech Shamah, for his own
At expense of prince, rescued to suffer grief.
The prince, Jason as Alooph Yovav, is raised
By Chiron as Mahazael and taught
Medicine of centaurs, tormenting the dazed
Victims of leprosy, whose bodies rot.
Full grown Yovav leaves his mentor and journeys
TO court of Shamah, proclaiming his right
TO rule Masreikah, and is issued decrees,
TO obtain Golden Fleece as Eigel Maseichah's light.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Pisces creates trigger sprung
From usurpation of throne by enemies,
For doomsday, laying waste with upper rung
To island, devastated under fees.
With quakes from Leviathan, keeping pact,
The mountain of Arakiel explodes,
Spilling lava, decimating entire tract
Of Avith, as soil of Titahiyon erodes.
The coruscating island is flooded
By tidal waves, covering remains of life,
And the soil is scattered outward, leaving dread
Whirlpool of Titahiyon, whirling with strife.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Pisces creates trigger sprung
From usurpation of throne by enemies,
For doomsday, laying waste with upper rung
To island, devastated under fees.
With quakes from Leviathan, keeping pact,
The mountain of Arakiel explodes,
Spilling lava, decimating entire tract
Of Avith, as soil of Titahiyon erodes.
The coruscating island is flooded
By tidal waves, covering remains of life,
And the soil is scattered outward, leaving dread
Whirlpool of Titahiyon, whirling with strife.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Aquarius creates ploy
Of Baalberith to circumvent force field
Of Titahiyon, licentious, and destroy
Empire of Nashimiron, neglecting shield.
With helmet of Beelzebub and blood
Of slain foes, he sneaks into palace unseen,
Stealing the girdle and strangling with flood
To head of Gadril, suffocating to the sheen.
Baalberith wears the girdle as a necklace,
Leaving Gadril in stangulation vortex,
And seizes control of the populace,
Entrapping Titahiyon beneath hex.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Aquarius creates ploy
Of Baalberith to circumvent force field
Of Titahiyon, licentious, and destroy
Empire of Nashimiron, neglecting shield.
With helmet of Beelzebub and blood
Of slain foes, he sneaks into palace unseen,
Stealing the girdle and strangling with flood
To head of Gadril, suffocating to the sheen.
Baalberith wears the girdle as a necklace,
Leaving Gadril in stangulation vortex,
And seizes control of the populace,
Entrapping Titahiyon beneath hex.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Capricorn creates empire
Over conquered nations, subjugated,
Beneath Nashimiron that still conspire
With Gadril for world conquest over dead.
With help of nocturnal Lilith and her spouse,
Morpheus as Kebad, Nashimiron wield
Walk of sleep over victims, with fleshly house
Of tumors, forcing subjugated to yield.
In the capital Avith, enslaved men are brought
To fight each other as gladiators,
With promises of lovely virgins sought,
And in cells the winners are raped by boors.
The lovely virgins from the stadium
Are met by Nashimiron, wearing helmets
Of gladiators denied promised sum,
And breastless masters reign rods on slaves in nets.
Slaves, incapable of breeding, are ordered
To enter vomitoreums and descend
Into malnutrition, vomitting with word
From Arab Tzerek and fingers in throat to end.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Capricorn creates empire
Over conquered nations, subjugated,
Beneath Nashimiron that still conspire
With Gadril for world conquest over dead.
With help of nocturnal Lilith and her spouse,
Morpheus as Kebad, Nashimiron wield
Walk of sleep over victims, with fleshly house
Of tumors, forcing subjugated to yield.
In the capital Avith, enslaved men are brought
To fight each other as gladiators,
With promises of lovely virgins sought,
And in cells the winners are raped by boors.
The lovely virgins from the stadium
Are met by Nashimiron, wearing helmets
Of gladiators denied promised sum,
And breastless masters reign rods on slaves in nets.
Slaves, incapable of breeding, are ordered
To enter vomitoreums and descend
Into malnutrition, vomitting with word
From Arab Tzerek and fingers in throat to end.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Sagittarius creates
Need in Gadril for utmost protections
And she seeks knowledge for bellicose fates,
With other nations enslaved under stations.
With knowledge from Belial, she devises
Plans for construction of arsenal and fleet,
To invade the mainland with violent charges
Onto soil of Baal's victims effete.
Conquering territory of enemies,
Titahiyon establishes empire
Over coastal regions, enslaved by decrees
Of assize, demanding victims for pyre.
Attempting further conquest, the armies fail
Against Baalberith and his legions,
Who take blood of slain into vials and flail
Survivors as traitors to Baal's sons.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Sagittarius creates
Need in Gadril for utmost protections
And she seeks knowledge for bellicose fates,
With other nations enslaved under stations.
With knowledge from Belial, she devises
Plans for construction of arsenal and fleet,
To invade the mainland with violent charges
Onto soil of Baal's victims effete.
Conquering territory of enemies,
Titahiyon establishes empire
Over coastal regions, enslaved by decrees
Of assize, demanding victims for pyre.
Attempting further conquest, the armies fail
Against Baalberith and his legions,
Who take blood of slain into vials and flail
Survivors as traitors to Baal's sons.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Scorpio creates rape
Of virgins on altar of Allotu,
By Leviathan, who disowns them agape,
No longer priestesses apart as few.
Enraged with insult, Allotu curses
The apostates, transmogrified into horrid
Succotbenoth, who turn souls to stone with gazes
From heads with snakes as hair, shutting coffin's lid.
In retribution for their damnation,
Succotbenoth snatch people from boundaries
Of Titahiyon, draining the nation
Of sacrifices and torturing devotees.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Scorpio creates rape
Of virgins on altar of Allotu,
By Leviathan, who disowns them agape,
No longer priestesses apart as few.
Enraged with insult, Allotu curses
The apostates, transmogrified into horrid
Succotbenoth, who turn souls to stone with gazes
From heads with snakes as hair, shutting coffin's lid.
In retribution for their damnation,
Succotbenoth snatch people from boundaries
Of Titahiyon, draining the nation
Of sacrifices and torturing devotees.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Libra creates assembly
Of leaders in central temple every six years,
To sacrifice victims for Leviathan's fee
And conduct assize, grouped together in tiers.
The counsel decides which victims shall be cast
To sodomites, loosening anal ring,
Or raped by animals for shells amassed
From venereal diseases that sting.
Each night priests in blue robes enter and sit
In homage to Titahiyon's prime deity,
Intaking Leviathan's amethyst spirit,
While evoking the empire's infinity.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Libra creates assembly
Of leaders in central temple every six years,
To sacrifice victims for Leviathan's fee
And conduct assize, grouped together in tiers.
The counsel decides which victims shall be cast
To sodomites, loosening anal ring,
Or raped by animals for shells amassed
From venereal diseases that sting.
Each night priests in blue robes enter and sit
In homage to Titahiyon's prime deity,
Intaking Leviathan's amethyst spirit,
While evoking the empire's infinity.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Uranus Creates
Uranus in Virgo creates the need
Of Baal to retake Titahiyon
And, sending Baalberith as servant to lead,
He hopes to conquer vicious Nashimiron.
To protect Titahiyon from invasion,
Atlantides as Gog Sheklah are forced
Into bestiality, draining warp from sun,
To mutate resources for field divorced.
With magnetism established, the fleet
Of Baalberith is forced to turn back,
Preventing enslavement of forces in retreat,
While Baal plans newer forms of attack.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Uranus Creates
Uranus in Virgo creates the need
Of Baal to retake Titahiyon
And, sending Baalberith as servant to lead,
He hopes to conquer vicious Nashimiron.
To protect Titahiyon from invasion,
Atlantides as Gog Sheklah are forced
Into bestiality, draining warp from sun,
To mutate resources for field divorced.
With magnetism established, the fleet
Of Baalberith is forced to turn back,
Preventing enslavement of forces in retreat,
While Baal plans newer forms of attack.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Uranus Creates
Uranus in Leo creates revolt
Of slaves, with amputated breasts for burst
Of inverse from torture, thrusting thunderbolt
To Amazons as Nashimiron's thirst.
Hippolyta eats seeds of pomegranate
And becomes Gadril, queen of Nashimiron,
Organizing rebellion against temples lit,
With sacrificial flesh of victims' deaths shown.
From Arakiel, Nashimiron steal
Necklace of binding and Gadril fashions
It as a girdle, to reign revolving wheel
Over minds of Titahiyon's dominions.
Nashimiron exploit Kasdeya's purity
And offer her as replicas to jaws
Of Leviathan, satisfied with fee,
Keeping pact of doom for island failing laws.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Uranus Creates
Uranus in Leo creates revolt
Of slaves, with amputated breasts for burst
Of inverse from torture, thrusting thunderbolt
To Amazons as Nashimiron's thirst.
Hippolyta eats seeds of pomegranate
And becomes Gadril, queen of Nashimiron,
Organizing rebellion against temples lit,
With sacrificial flesh of victims' deaths shown.
From Arakiel, Nashimiron steal
Necklace of binding and Gadril fashions
It as a girdle, to reign revolving wheel
Over minds of Titahiyon's dominions.
Nashimiron exploit Kasdeya's purity
And offer her as replicas to jaws
Of Leviathan, satisfied with fee,
Keeping pact of doom for island failing laws.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Cancer creates progeny
Of Belial and Thomiel paired
In embrace, producing Buriol, free,
With Basilea as Darascon shared.
Siblings Buriol and Darascon, doomed,
Unite as couple, begetting offspring,
All seeing spy Saraph, for fire consumed,
And beleaguered Orias, descending.
Under orders of Baal Buriol
And Saraph are cast into flaming hell
Of Inbubu, to ward against Shaol,
And Orias mourns their loss to lava's dell.
In retribution, Baal commands she atone,
By slashing her wrists and bleeding to death
In laver, her blood mixed with water, staining stone.
As she hears denizens of Shaarimereth,
Darascon is driven insane with grief,
As cacophony of cymbals and drums
Resound in her head, throbbing with no relief,
Cutting off schizophrenic lost to slums.
In santuary of Cybele, fractured,
As Barakel, Darascon lays suffering
The din, as replicas are taken and tortured,
By Arab Tzerek, draining spirit's ring.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Cancer creates progeny
Of Belial and Thomiel paired
In embrace, producing Buriol, free,
With Basilea as Darascon shared.
Siblings Buriol and Darascon, doomed,
Unite as couple, begetting offspring,
All seeing spy Saraph, for fire consumed,
And beleaguered Orias, descending.
Under orders of Baal Buriol
And Saraph are cast into flaming hell
Of Inbubu, to ward against Shaol,
And Orias mourns their loss to lava's dell.
In retribution, Baal commands she atone,
By slashing her wrists and bleeding to death
In laver, her blood mixed with water, staining stone.
As she hears denizens of Shaarimereth,
Darascon is driven insane with grief,
As cacophony of cymbals and drums
Resound in her head, throbbing with no relief,
Cutting off schizophrenic lost to slums.
In santuary of Cybele, fractured,
As Barakel, Darascon lays suffering
The din, as replicas are taken and tortured,
By Arab Tzerek, draining spirit's ring.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Gemini creates offspring
Of Leviathan and Chamos as five
Pairs of twins, the eldest Atlas, suffering
As Arakiel, for aiding Thamuz to strive.
When Thamuz fail in their rebellion waged,
Baal punishes Arakiel with feat
Of upholding vault of sky, ever encaged
In Hesperia as Abaddon in defeat.
Doomed to support vault of sky, Arakiel guards
Golden apples alongside guardians,
Hesperides as Abiriron, suffering shards
Of feces, eaten under control of dens.
Daughters of Arakiel, Pleiades
As Gamchicoth seek to save their father
And Baal condemns them to painful fees,
Of rape and eating excrement in torture.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Gemini creates offspring
Of Leviathan and Chamos as five
Pairs of twins, the eldest Atlas, suffering
As Arakiel, for aiding Thamuz to strive.
When Thamuz fail in their rebellion waged,
Baal punishes Arakiel with feat
Of upholding vault of sky, ever encaged
In Hesperia as Abaddon in defeat.
Doomed to support vault of sky, Arakiel guards
Golden apples alongside guardians,
Hesperides as Abiriron, suffering shards
Of feces, eaten under control of dens.
Daughters of Arakiel, Pleiades
As Gamchicoth seek to save their father
And Baal condemns them to painful fees,
Of rape and eating excrement in torture.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Taurus creates culture
Of Titahiyon, with knowledge of fallen,
And literacy enhances drains from torture,
As readers and writers suffer warps from den.
Many victims are led to volcano's edge
And cast to scream from lava, melting flesh,
For energy used in transforming wedge,
Bringing transformations springing out of mesh.
As sacrificial bride, Clito is cast
From cliff to join Leviathan's retinue,
As Chamos, who demeans victims amassed,
With sarcastic flattery, draining the new.
In triple cirle, aqueducts conduct
Water, enclosing three zones with stone walls,
Around palace temple, where victims are sucked
Into vacuum, heeding Leviathan's calls.
The center of temple contains statue
Of Leviathan, surrounded by rows
Of marble Gog Shekeloh, with his retinue,
Facing victims immolated as his foes.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Taurus creates culture
Of Titahiyon, with knowledge of fallen,
And literacy enhances drains from torture,
As readers and writers suffer warps from den.
Many victims are led to volcano's edge
And cast to scream from lava, melting flesh,
For energy used in transforming wedge,
Bringing transformations springing out of mesh.
As sacrificial bride, Clito is cast
From cliff to join Leviathan's retinue,
As Chamos, who demeans victims amassed,
With sarcastic flattery, draining the new.
In triple cirle, aqueducts conduct
Water, enclosing three zones with stone walls,
Around palace temple, where victims are sucked
Into vacuum, heeding Leviathan's calls.
The center of temple contains statue
Of Leviathan, surrounded by rows
Of marble Gog Shekeloh, with his retinue,
Facing victims immolated as his foes.
Demonic Transmogrifications 4:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Aries creates Atlantis
As Titahiyon, formed from volcanos,
Bursting upward as Leviathan's hiss,
For home of people, worshipping godly foes.
From Tuhom Belial falls to island
Of Titahiyon, cast down by usurper,
And Belphegor as his croupier reigns land
Of death, in servitude to torturer.
Under commands of Belial, Belphegor
Disintegrates the souls, by vortex drained,
And Titahiyon gathers many more
Victims, under tyranny of empire maintained.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Uranus in Aries creates Atlantis
As Titahiyon, formed from volcanos,
Bursting upward as Leviathan's hiss,
For home of people, worshipping godly foes.
From Tuhom Belial falls to island
Of Titahiyon, cast down by usurper,
And Belphegor as his croupier reigns land
Of death, in servitude to torturer.
Under commands of Belial, Belphegor
Disintegrates the souls, by vortex drained,
And Titahiyon gathers many more
Victims, under tyranny of empire maintained.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Pisces washes hopes of king,
As Zuvulon hears of Alah's return
From journey to seize head from monstrous thing
And wield transmogrification's awful turn.
Zuvulon and Isaac together summon
Alah to regal chambers, announcing pact
As trinity over victims undone,
By might of Alah's will over spirit's tract.
Accepting alliance, Alah brandishes
Eye and tooth of Tartac with helmet
Of Beelzebub and, invisible, snatches
Control over victims, turned to stone behind net.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Pisces washes hopes of king,
As Zuvulon hears of Alah's return
From journey to seize head from monstrous thing
And wield transmogrification's awful turn.
Zuvulon and Isaac together summon
Alah to regal chambers, announcing pact
As trinity over victims undone,
By might of Alah's will over spirit's tract.
Accepting alliance, Alah brandishes
Eye and tooth of Tartac with helmet
Of Beelzebub and, invisible, snatches
Control over victims, turned to stone behind net.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Aquarius washes vows
Of Dagdagiron to husbands at altar
And Shalehbiron devise fates, demanding bows
From their wives, enslaved entering chamber.
After the wedding night with hymens gone,
Shalehbiron renounce the marriage ties
And treat Dagdagiron as whores to pawn
To other men, resenting virginal cries.
Dagdagiron are used as toys in cells,
Until the new arrivals come and submit,
And leaving, they feel scales of fin as dells,
Rising from vaginal canal's quaking fit.
Accused of regretting peaceful submission,
Instead of plotting murder on their wedding night,
Dagdagiron suffer subjugation
In Geihinom, refilling leaking cups in fright.
After Shalehbiron outlive their use
By Baal as privileged servants reiging drains,
He forces them to submit to lion's noose
Of burning pustules, grown from seminal stains.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Aquarius washes vows
Of Dagdagiron to husbands at altar
And Shalehbiron devise fates, demanding bows
From their wives, enslaved entering chamber.
After the wedding night with hymens gone,
Shalehbiron renounce the marriage ties
And treat Dagdagiron as whores to pawn
To other men, resenting virginal cries.
Dagdagiron are used as toys in cells,
Until the new arrivals come and submit,
And leaving, they feel scales of fin as dells,
Rising from vaginal canal's quaking fit.
Accused of regretting peaceful submission,
Instead of plotting murder on their wedding night,
Dagdagiron suffer subjugation
In Geihinom, refilling leaking cups in fright.
After Shalehbiron outlive their use
By Baal as privileged servants reiging drains,
He forces them to submit to lion's noose
Of burning pustules, grown from seminal stains.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Capricorn washes to shore
Deucalion as Noah, with his wife
Pyrrha as Semiazas, seeking more
Company by propagating more life.
Visited by Nergal, they are offered
A wish on behalf of surviving flood,
And the couple, after they have conferred,
Ask for followers, ignorant of their blood.
Nergal requires they throw stones over their shoulder.
And, fullfilling this, the stones spring to life,
As animals, disappointing onlookers,
Forced by Baal to engage in sexual strife.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Capricorn washes to shore
Deucalion as Noah, with his wife
Pyrrha as Semiazas, seeking more
Company by propagating more life.
Visited by Nergal, they are offered
A wish on behalf of surviving flood,
And the couple, after they have conferred,
Ask for followers, ignorant of their blood.
Nergal requires they throw stones over their shoulder.
And, fullfilling this, the stones spring to life,
As animals, disappointing onlookers,
Forced by Baal to engage in sexual strife.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Neptune Washes
Neptune in Sagittarius washes feet
Of Andromeda as Nibras, forced to invoke,
The sorrowful weeping Nereids, sinking fleet
As Gog Shekeloh, breaking hulls to efface.
Insulted by Nibras, Gog Shekeloh send
Kraken as Sonneillon to victimize
The kingdom's citizens, who wish to end
The attack, by giving Sonneillon a prize.
Nibras is bound to a rock as captive
Awaiting Sonneillon, when Alah sees
Her figure and desires that Nibras give
Him pleasure of intercourse, exchanging fees.
Seduced by promises of rescue, she yields
To embrace of Alah, who enjoys the sex
And abandons her to Sonneillon, who wields
Brutal rape for Gog Shekeloh, sinking wrecks.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Neptune Washes
Neptune in Sagittarius washes feet
Of Andromeda as Nibras, forced to invoke,
The sorrowful weeping Nereids, sinking fleet
As Gog Shekeloh, breaking hulls to efface.
Insulted by Nibras, Gog Shekeloh send
Kraken as Sonneillon to victimize
The kingdom's citizens, who wish to end
The attack, by giving Sonneillon a prize.
Nibras is bound to a rock as captive
Awaiting Sonneillon, when Alah sees
Her figure and desires that Nibras give
Him pleasure of intercourse, exchanging fees.
Seduced by promises of rescue, she yields
To embrace of Alah, who enjoys the sex
And abandons her to Sonneillon, who wields
Brutal rape for Gog Shekeloh, sinking wrecks.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:8
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Neptune in Scorpio washes spirits
Of Scylla and Echidna, offered gift
Of immortality from Glaucus, who sits
On throne as Ariton, seeking shapes to shift.
On condition they tell others of their change,
Ariton bestows immortality
And people, hateful, judging them strange,
Force squid on Scylla, eel on Echidna as fee.
Diseased Echidna as Laboneton
And Scylla as Bialot seek escape
And request protections of Ariton,
Who exploits them as monsters, guarding cape.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco aka Ultionem Vinco)
Neptune in Scorpio washes spirits
Of Scylla and Echidna, offered gift
Of immortality from Glaucus, who sits
On throne as Ariton, seeking shapes to shift.
On condition they tell others of their change,
Ariton bestows immortality
And people, hateful, judging them strange,
Force squid on Scylla, eel on Echidna as fee.
Diseased Echidna as Laboneton
And Scylla as Bialot seek escape
And request protections of Ariton,
Who exploits them as monsters, guarding cape.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:7
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Libra washes paternal
Concern of Aleus as Dan away
And daughter Auge as Mermo, maternal,
Is disowned, pregnant with Baalberith's sway.
Ordered by Dan to deliver Mermo
To death at sea, Nauplius as Ezekil
Allows her to give birth at sea, and know
The plank to fall from, drowning her broken seal.
Her son Telephus as Levi desires
To find his mother, a mystery shrouded,
And consults an oracle, raising spires,
Forcing him to fall from plank and join the dead.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Libra washes paternal
Concern of Aleus as Dan away
And daughter Auge as Mermo, maternal,
Is disowned, pregnant with Baalberith's sway.
Ordered by Dan to deliver Mermo
To death at sea, Nauplius as Ezekil
Allows her to give birth at sea, and know
The plank to fall from, drowning her broken seal.
Her son Telephus as Levi desires
To find his mother, a mystery shrouded,
And consults an oracle, raising spires,
Forcing him to fall from plank and join the dead.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:6
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Virgo washes thirst of none
In Argolid as Mitzraiyim, under drought,
And Danaides as Dagdagiron suffer sun,
Travelling with father, parched and seeking way out.
From their misery, Leviathan takes
Replicas of daughters into Geihinom
And he demands their hymens, before he slakes
The thirst of their original selves to roam.
Dagdagiron agree to infernal terms
And Leviathan uses them as toys,
Discarding them to suffer thirst that squirms,
Obtaining fate allayed for master's joys.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Virgo washes thirst of none
In Argolid as Mitzraiyim, under drought,
And Danaides as Dagdagiron suffer sun,
Travelling with father, parched and seeking way out.
From their misery, Leviathan takes
Replicas of daughters into Geihinom
And he demands their hymens, before he slakes
The thirst of their original selves to roam.
Dagdagiron agree to infernal terms
And Leviathan uses them as toys,
Discarding them to suffer thirst that squirms,
Obtaining fate allayed for master's joys.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:5
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Leo washes curses cast
By Baal, in hatred for trickery
Of Lycaon as Melech Buor, who passed
Across a line established, risking fee.
Doubting divinity of incarnation
Of Baal, as mortal, travelling roads,
He orders slaves to place abomination
Of children's flesh in food, to construct goads.
Outraged with sacrilege, Baal forces
Slaves to engage in cannibalism
And strikes them with levin, which divorces
Their souls under goads, suffering schism.
The slaves are banished by Buor to lower ground
And Leviathan strikes with trident, causing
Tidal waves that flood area beneath mound,
So slaves are overwhelmed, eternally drowning.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Leo washes curses cast
By Baal, in hatred for trickery
Of Lycaon as Melech Buor, who passed
Across a line established, risking fee.
Doubting divinity of incarnation
Of Baal, as mortal, travelling roads,
He orders slaves to place abomination
Of children's flesh in food, to construct goads.
Outraged with sacrilege, Baal forces
Slaves to engage in cannibalism
And strikes them with levin, which divorces
Their souls under goads, suffering schism.
The slaves are banished by Buor to lower ground
And Leviathan strikes with trident, causing
Tidal waves that flood area beneath mound,
So slaves are overwhelmed, eternally drowning.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:4
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Cancer washes honors paid
By mortals to deities, vying to obtain
Worship from cities, as state gods always made
To stand above acolytes' heads, they attain.
In assemblies Leviathan is bypassed,
Without a city of devotees to lead,
And angered he blights the land, drying fast
The rivers, causing famine, withering seed.
Upset with the devastation, Shabriri
Enlists help of Baal, who forces end
Of blight by having Atlantes raised from sea,
With help of eruptions from Leviathan's bend.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Cancer washes honors paid
By mortals to deities, vying to obtain
Worship from cities, as state gods always made
To stand above acolytes' heads, they attain.
In assemblies Leviathan is bypassed,
Without a city of devotees to lead,
And angered he blights the land, drying fast
The rivers, causing famine, withering seed.
Upset with the devastation, Shabriri
Enlists help of Baal, who forces end
Of blight by having Atlantes raised from sea,
With help of eruptions from Leviathan's bend.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:3
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Gemini washes spirit
Of Alah, who obtains magical bag,
From Nymphs as Gamaliel, in which to fit
The head of Succotbenoth, acidic hag.
From Beelzebub, Alah obtains helmet
Of invisibility, to elude
And Nergal bestows sickle of Moloch, set
To reap the head from which acids exude.
Alah finds lair of Succotbenoth, high
Among crags, and with help of reflection
From shield, held by Allotu as ally,
He decapitates her sending forth sun.
From the neck of Succotbenoth arise
Pegasus as Paimon, flying with wings spread,
And Chrysaor as Torfora, holding prize
Of golden sword to strike enemies dead.
The head Allotu puts in magical bag,
Catching acidic blood before it grows
Scorpions from ground, as sisters from crag
Seek revenge, but with helmet he eludes foes.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Gemini washes spirit
Of Alah, who obtains magical bag,
From Nymphs as Gamaliel, in which to fit
The head of Succotbenoth, acidic hag.
From Beelzebub, Alah obtains helmet
Of invisibility, to elude
And Nergal bestows sickle of Moloch, set
To reap the head from which acids exude.
Alah finds lair of Succotbenoth, high
Among crags, and with help of reflection
From shield, held by Allotu as ally,
He decapitates her sending forth sun.
From the neck of Succotbenoth arise
Pegasus as Paimon, flying with wings spread,
And Chrysaor as Torfora, holding prize
Of golden sword to strike enemies dead.
The head Allotu puts in magical bag,
Catching acidic blood before it grows
Scorpions from ground, as sisters from crag
Seek revenge, but with helmet he eludes foes.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:2
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Taurus washes body clean
For Alah, raised as warrior in court
Of Polydectes as Melech Isaac, to glean
His youth in servitude, protecting fort.
Isaac invites Alah to regal banquet
And commands him to retrieve head of Gorgon
As Succotbenoth, for powers of net
From baleful gaze, turning life to stone with dawn.
From Nergal and Allotu, Alah obtains
Advice, to seek Graeae as Tartac in cave
And he travels to the far wasteland and attains
The sight of their abode, bypassing stave.
Sneaking into cave, Alah steals tooth and eye
Of Tartac, enslaving them beneath need
To see and eat, so they reveal with a cry
The location of magic items decreed.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Taurus washes body clean
For Alah, raised as warrior in court
Of Polydectes as Melech Isaac, to glean
His youth in servitude, protecting fort.
Isaac invites Alah to regal banquet
And commands him to retrieve head of Gorgon
As Succotbenoth, for powers of net
From baleful gaze, turning life to stone with dawn.
From Nergal and Allotu, Alah obtains
Advice, to seek Graeae as Tartac in cave
And he travels to the far wasteland and attains
The sight of their abode, bypassing stave.
Sneaking into cave, Alah steals tooth and eye
Of Tartac, enslaving them beneath need
To see and eat, so they reveal with a cry
The location of magic items decreed.
Demonic Transmogrifications 3:1
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Aries washes fertile womb
Of Danae as Bialot, with semen sent
From father Acrisius, for Zuvulon's room
Underground, to house daughter and fetus bent.
Through a crack in roof of bronze room, Baal
Showers mother with golden rays of light,
And she bears Perseus, who shall heed the call
As Alooph Alah, reigning curses with might.
In disgust Zuvulon has mother and son sealed
In casket, thrown out to sea for fate of lost,
But they are rescued, brought to shore, and healed
By Dictys as Alooph Asheir, seeking cost.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Neptune in Aries washes fertile womb
Of Danae as Bialot, with semen sent
From father Acrisius, for Zuvulon's room
Underground, to house daughter and fetus bent.
Through a crack in roof of bronze room, Baal
Showers mother with golden rays of light,
And she bears Perseus, who shall heed the call
As Alooph Alah, reigning curses with might.
In disgust Zuvulon has mother and son sealed
In casket, thrown out to sea for fate of lost,
But they are rescued, brought to shore, and healed
By Dictys as Alooph Asheir, seeking cost.
Demonic Transmogrifications 2:12
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Pisces raises pupil trained
In art of weaving and embroidery,
Named Arachne, devotee ever stained,
By servitude to Allotu's painful fee.
Arachne's overseer commands her to invoke
The name of Allotu and proclaim godhead
And Arachne obeys, for demon to evoke
Punishment, for disrespecting heaven wed.
Under commands of Allotu, the victim
Arachne as Scharak entwined, enters
Chamber where spiders swarm her body at whim,
Hearing of webs, weaving, and her new sisters.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Pisces raises pupil trained
In art of weaving and embroidery,
Named Arachne, devotee ever stained,
By servitude to Allotu's painful fee.
Arachne's overseer commands her to invoke
The name of Allotu and proclaim godhead
And Arachne obeys, for demon to evoke
Punishment, for disrespecting heaven wed.
Under commands of Allotu, the victim
Arachne as Scharak entwined, enters
Chamber where spiders swarm her body at whim,
Hearing of webs, weaving, and her new sisters.
Demonic Transmogrifications 2:11
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Aquarius raises argument,
Between Allotu and Leviathan, over
Sovereignty of Attica, distant,
As Dinhavah, the potential invader.
Leviathan throws the trident to ground
And causes earthquake, opening fissure
For spring, sprouting water from upraised mound,
And he demands lordship, to stave disaster.
On mound of newly found spring, Allotu plants
Olive tree to drink the water, emerging,
And she declares it as her place of giants,
Who shall reduce Troy beneath might of their king.
To settle dispute, Baal calls tribunal,
To decide the presider over state
Of Dinhavah and Leviathan, losing quarrel,
Floods Eleusis as Edom to satiate.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Aquarius raises argument,
Between Allotu and Leviathan, over
Sovereignty of Attica, distant,
As Dinhavah, the potential invader.
Leviathan throws the trident to ground
And causes earthquake, opening fissure
For spring, sprouting water from upraised mound,
And he demands lordship, to stave disaster.
On mound of newly found spring, Allotu plants
Olive tree to drink the water, emerging,
And she declares it as her place of giants,
Who shall reduce Troy beneath might of their king.
To settle dispute, Baal calls tribunal,
To decide the presider over state
Of Dinhavah and Leviathan, losing quarrel,
Floods Eleusis as Edom to satiate.
Demonic Transmogrifications 2:10
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Capricorn raises desire
Of Kobal for Cassandra, as fresh conquest,
To defile her before she weds and conspire
to give gift of prophecy and complete quest.
After receiving gift of prophecy,
Cassandra as Mantiens refuses
To submit and seeks help removing fee,
Which Kobal demands for fate he chooses.
Upset with failure, Kobal transforms gift
Of prophecy into curse of foreknowledge,
So people of Troy ignore warnings as rift,
Draining current happiness to predestined ledge.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Capricorn raises desire
Of Kobal for Cassandra, as fresh conquest,
To defile her before she weds and conspire
to give gift of prophecy and complete quest.
After receiving gift of prophecy,
Cassandra as Mantiens refuses
To submit and seeks help removing fee,
Which Kobal demands for fate he chooses.
Upset with failure, Kobal transforms gift
Of prophecy into curse of foreknowledge,
So people of Troy ignore warnings as rift,
Draining current happiness to predestined ledge.
Demonic Transmogrifications 2:9
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Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Sagittarius raises plan
Of Thomiel, influencing others,
As Shabriri and Leviathan, with clan
Of Kobal resent Baal's use of powers.
With help of Allotu, they seek to entrap
Baal in Abyss, and reign in his stead,
But Satariel and Ogiel see trap
And prevent them from usurping godhead.
As punishment Leviathan and Kobal
Are forced to erect walls of Toy in Troas,
Where opposing forces will collide and fall,
With clash of warring legions that amass.
King Admetus as Melech Eilah denies
Payment for services, so they refuse
To build further, and Baal forces cries,
As their ears are shorn for sworn oaths they lose.
Having finished walls, the known reprobates
Seek Asclepius as Uphir, to heal
Their wounds, and Kobal returns to temple gates,
Sending plague to Troy for vengeance as seal.
Demonic Transmogrifications
by Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Sagittarius raises plan
Of Thomiel, influencing others,
As Shabriri and Leviathan, with clan
Of Kobal resent Baal's use of powers.
With help of Allotu, they seek to entrap
Baal in Abyss, and reign in his stead,
But Satariel and Ogiel see trap
And prevent them from usurping godhead.
As punishment Leviathan and Kobal
Are forced to erect walls of Toy in Troas,
Where opposing forces will collide and fall,
With clash of warring legions that amass.
King Admetus as Melech Eilah denies
Payment for services, so they refuse
To build further, and Baal forces cries,
As their ears are shorn for sworn oaths they lose.
Having finished walls, the known reprobates
Seek Asclepius as Uphir, to heal
Their wounds, and Kobal returns to temple gates,
Sending plague to Troy for vengeance as seal.
Demonic Transmogrifications 2:8
Read the PDF Version of This Epic Mythology Demonic Transmogrificationsby Robert Paul Gass (aka Imagines Vinco)
Pluto in Scorpio raises sacred rite
Of Kobal, who dedicates tripod at shrine,
In temple of Cresil, to give prophets sight
For auguries, to protect Baal divine.
With water from sacred spring, Kobal washes
Himself clean of stain from Samael's poison
And devotees celebrate conquest with marches
To the temple, as incense fills horizon.
While visiting Kasdeya, Kobal sees
A follower of his sister and desires
Daphne as a lover, seeking decrees
That she give him her hymen, as he conspires.
Forcing Leucippus as Alooph Tzupho
To disguise himself as a female, he sends
His slave to company of sister to show
The slave as follower, while Daphne attends.
At a lake, the followers undress to bathe,
But Tzupho refuses and virgins force
Him to undress and, with insults, they scathe
The slave, whom Kobal tortures hiding the source.
For punishing Tzupho, Kobal demands
Virginity of Daphne and she rejects
Him, so he settles for brute force of hands
And enslaves Daphne as Semyaza under hex.
Kasdeya disowns Semyaza as harlot
And Kobal uses her as consort for sex,
Until he tires of her and pains beset
Her vagina, raped with wood to invert hex.
Pluto in Scorpio raises sacred rite
Of Kobal, who dedicates tripod at shrine,
In temple of Cresil, to give prophets sight
For auguries, to protect Baal divine.
With water from sacred spring, Kobal washes
Himself clean of stain from Samael's poison
And devotees celebrate conquest with marches
To the temple, as incense fills horizon.
While visiting Kasdeya, Kobal sees
A follower of his sister and desires
Daphne as a lover, seeking decrees
That she give him her hymen, as he conspires.
Forcing Leucippus as Alooph Tzupho
To disguise himself as a female, he sends
His slave to company of sister to show
The slave as follower, while Daphne attends.
At a lake, the followers undress to bathe,
But Tzupho refuses and virgins force
Him to undress and, with insults, they scathe
The slave, whom Kobal tortures hiding the source.
For punishing Tzupho, Kobal demands
Virginity of Daphne and she rejects
Him, so he settles for brute force of hands
And enslaves Daphne as Semyaza under hex.
Kasdeya disowns Semyaza as harlot
And Kobal uses her as consort for sex,
Until he tires of her and pains beset
Her vagina, raped with wood to invert hex.
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