Erebus Dens Deceive With Worming Holes
(aka Specus Erebi Circumveniunt Lacunis Vermiculatis)
by Imagines Vinco
The sagging hags in cave of rot with eye
And tooth to eat the souls of captured prey
As hero sets about a quest and traps espy
For god of sea his opal throne to pray.
The Gorgon snakes' behests exfoliate
The warsaw drawn to turn to stone with gaze
Immortal drawing waters' whirl of hate
For men's disgust dissuading baneful maze.
The Erebus in dens to gather shades
Befogs the sight of mortals' hated souls
And purple the light of amethyst spades
As worming bottomless apex the holes.
As Gorgons venture and hags to never leave
The worming holes of Erebus dens deceive.
Links to My Posts
- The Deformed Tumult Of Pixies
- Caskets Full of Drugs
- Pretzels Sewn In Basket Cases
- Electroshock Therapy
- Seeking Hylas' Satisfaction
- Psychological Warfare
- It Stings the Body Electric
- Fleshly Chime Box
- Hole Of Satyriasis
- Under Thunderbolts of Zeus
- Absolute Rule of Leviathan
- Doppelganger Aggression
- The Nest Of Schizophrenia
- Belial Kept Universes Hidden
- Erebus Dens Deceive with Worming Holes
- Khepra Contains Light in Death
- Predatory Apoplexy
- Moloch's Meglomaniacal Truths
- Mania Pyro Truths
- Demonic Transmogrifications: An Epic Poem
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