Thursday, April 11, 2024

One Too Many Goats

I finally had the free time to finish my most important work of fiction so far. It's free for download on Smashwords and other platforms.
Synopsis: True to life events involving campus rape culture, racism, and privilege in the Pacific Northwest around the year 2000. Gritty and unforgiving in its realism, this novella pulls no punches in fictionalizing heart wrenching stories that prove so much of life is not only unfair, but it's often unjust as well. From anti-rape activists railroading innocent male misfits as potential sexual predators, to socially connected sexual predators in the frats and athletic programs who benefit from this type of environment, where credible accusations of actual sexual misconduct aren't taken seriously by law enforcement. This novella also details the sense of entitlement and objectification that leads some sociable young men into becoming date rapists.