I just published a novella that I started way back in 2014 and didn't have the time to finish until just recently. It's about human trafficking and gang violence along East Hastings Street in Vancouver BC.
Links to My Posts
- The Deformed Tumult Of Pixies
- Caskets Full of Drugs
- Pretzels Sewn In Basket Cases
- Electroshock Therapy
- Seeking Hylas' Satisfaction
- Psychological Warfare
- It Stings the Body Electric
- Fleshly Chime Box
- Hole Of Satyriasis
- Under Thunderbolts of Zeus
- Absolute Rule of Leviathan
- Doppelganger Aggression
- The Nest Of Schizophrenia
- Belial Kept Universes Hidden
- Erebus Dens Deceive with Worming Holes
- Khepra Contains Light in Death
- Predatory Apoplexy
- Moloch's Meglomaniacal Truths
- Mania Pyro Truths
- Demonic Transmogrifications: An Epic Poem