Breaking Bars for Bells
by Imagines Vinco
The barrel organ sewn between the ears
Was heavy trapezoidal trave for gyve
Of trammel over face to blind with tiers
And bar the bells beneath the mass alive.
The thrusting force and gnawing jaw begot
The space from fleshy mass to wooden roof
And walls' metallic burden long with knot
Usurped trapeziform and hung as hoof.
The winder winding down with pauses pressed
The center pinned as layers burst with might
In long travail the pressure's sudden rest
As welkin opened blinding chimes of light.
The thunderbolt of Indra broke the bleak
And dazed with flood reverberating peak.
Links to My Posts
- The Deformed Tumult Of Pixies
- Caskets Full of Drugs
- Pretzels Sewn In Basket Cases
- Electroshock Therapy
- Seeking Hylas' Satisfaction
- Psychological Warfare
- It Stings the Body Electric
- Fleshly Chime Box
- Hole Of Satyriasis
- Under Thunderbolts of Zeus
- Absolute Rule of Leviathan
- Doppelganger Aggression
- The Nest Of Schizophrenia
- Belial Kept Universes Hidden
- Erebus Dens Deceive with Worming Holes
- Khepra Contains Light in Death
- Predatory Apoplexy
- Moloch's Meglomaniacal Truths
- Mania Pyro Truths
- Demonic Transmogrifications: An Epic Poem