The Nest Of Schizophrenia
by Robert Paul Gass
Consanguine tumors sewn against the helm
With baskets baneful clinging fast to world
Establish entry points to hold the realm
Of outer sense inside for jumble curled.
The surreptitious thoughts intrude as bane
Of schizophrenic under falcon's nest
And poisons drain the comfort space of sane
With useless pain inflicting warps from crest.
The realization warping mind with waves
conveys the blatant deeds sadistic done
With words and numbers mixed as falcon craves
The victim low convinced as never one.
The nest established threatens spirit harmed
And soul of barren swallows sole as armed.
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Links to My Posts
- The Deformed Tumult Of Pixies
- Caskets Full of Drugs
- Pretzels Sewn In Basket Cases
- Electroshock Therapy
- Seeking Hylas' Satisfaction
- Psychological Warfare
- It Stings the Body Electric
- Fleshly Chime Box
- Hole Of Satyriasis
- Under Thunderbolts of Zeus
- Absolute Rule of Leviathan
- Doppelganger Aggression
- The Nest Of Schizophrenia
- Belial Kept Universes Hidden
- Erebus Dens Deceive with Worming Holes
- Khepra Contains Light in Death
- Predatory Apoplexy
- Moloch's Meglomaniacal Truths
- Mania Pyro Truths
- Demonic Transmogrifications: An Epic Poem